Mathematics Münster Study Abroad Programme

for University of Münster MSc Mathematics students
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© Unsplash/Kyle Glenn

The application round for projects starting between January and June 2025 will open this fall. The deadline for applications will be 15 November 2024. At present, applications are not possible.

The Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster is offering up to four scholarships for MSc Mathematics students who are in their 2nd year at time of application to experience a period of 1 to 6 months abroad at an excellent university. Students may attend courses at the host institution or work on their master's thesis.

Programme Aims

The MM Study Abroad programme supports research-oriented projects abroad and promotes international mobility, cooperation and networking. There are two types of scholarships both targeting non-European universities. Short stays of 1-3 months support project work, e.g., preparation of the master’s thesis, while longer stays of up to 6 months enable participation in lectures and seminars.


The scholarship is intended as a supplement to funding through the PROMOS programme or similar funding opportunities. Funds may cover: a monthly payment as increase of funds of €500-€850, a lump sum to support travel costs and tuition fees at the university of choice (if fees cannot be waived). The amount of each scholarship (i.e., whether travel expenses and/or monthly partial scholarships, and/or course fee allowances are included) is decided by a selection committee at Mathematics Münster. The executive board of Mathematics Münster takes the final funding decision.

Please note that in the case of PROMOS funding, the PROMOS conditions stipulate, among other things, that simultaneous participation in seminars and the completion of a master's thesis is not possible.

Target Group

The programme is aimed at MSc Mathematics students who have already completed at least one year in the Mathematics Master’s programme at University of Münster but have not yet finished their Master’s thesis and will return for finishing the MSc Mathematics study programme in Münster.

Conditions and required documents

Applicants must be enrolled as a MSc student in Mathematics Münster prior and posterior to the stay abroad. A thorough planning of the stay abroad is the responsibility of the applicant and is an essential requirement to be considered for the scholarship. The stay promotes international mobility as well as the intercultural competence of the student, i.e., the student has not lived or carried out her/his main activity in the country of the host institution for more than 12 months in the last three years prior to the application deadline.

A parallel application to PROMOS or a similar programme is mandatory. 

Note: The application round for PROMOS projects starting between January and June is expected to open from 15th September with deadline 15th October and for projects starting between July and December it is expected to open from 15th March with deadline 15th April.

If an application to PROMOS or a smiliar programme is not possible, a written justification is required. That means, you are still eligible to apply for MM Study Abroad, if there are no additional funding opportunities for your planned destination country.

Applications should contain:

  • a short letter of motivation and a statement of purpose containing a project description or study plan, including the desired starting date and duration of the stay,
  • your curriculum vitae (in English),
  • academic transcript of records and copies of degree certificates,
  • a detailed statement of estimated costs (accommodation and travel costs, and, for long-term stays, tuition fees) including additional funding, and
  • evidence of efforts for additional funding or reason for the absence of such.

Additional documents:

Upon return:

Note: Please check whether your host university requires additional proof of proficient knowledge of English (B2) or adequate TOEFL, IELTS or whether the enrolment in MSc Mathematics Münster is sufficient.


Applicants will be selected by the Master's Scholarships Selection Committee based on criteria of academic excellence, motivation, research-focused potential of the project abroad, available support of a supervisor at the host institution as well as the adequacy of the research project's fit to the M.Sc. Mathematics at the University of Münster.

The University of Münster is committed to ensuring equitable access to mathematics opportunities and resources for people of any race, ethnicity, religious belief, gender identity, age, economic background, disability status, or any other social or physical component of their identity.