About Mathematics Münster

Spokespersons of Mathematics Münster: Thomas Nikolaus (since 2024), Mario Ohlberger (since 2019) and Christopher Deninger (2019-2024).
Spokespersons of Mathematics Münster: Thomas Nikolaus (since 2024), Mario Ohlberger (since 2019) and Christopher Deninger (2019-2024).
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We aim to further develop mathematics in Münster into a research centre with high international visibility. We tackle fundamentally important mathematical problems, viewing mathematics as an organic whole with countless interactions.

In order to reach our goals, we follow three key principles:

  • connecting mathematical fields,
  • supporting early career researchers,
  • and improving equal opportunity and compatibility of family and career.
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Our research approach

Structure: Understanding the deeper underlying structures of a difficult mathematical problem is key to our approach throughout all research areas. The theories we will build in this way will not only help solve the problems under consideration but also many others of a similar nature; these theories will also raise exciting new questions.

Geometry: Looking at problems from a geometric viewpoint has a psychological and a technical advantage — psychologically, because after phrasing an abstract structure in geometric terms, one can often see a path to the solution, and technically, because a plethora of broadly applicable methods in geometry exists such as the use of generalised cohomology theories.

Dynamics: Investigating the dynamics of semigroup and group actions is a powerful tool that can be used to analyse mathematical problems. Non-reversible dynamics describes the evolution of systems such as the Ricci flow in Riemannian geometry, the evolution of patterns, phase transitions, or asymptotic properties of dynamic and multi-scale problems. Reversible dynamics in the form of group actions is equivalent to symmetry, a valuable simplifying principle that plays an important role in our research.

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Excellent conditions

"Mathematics Münster: Dynamics - Geometry - Structure" receive funding under the Excellence Strategy of the Federal and State Governments as a "Cluster of Excellence" for a period of seven years, with effect from 1 January 2019. The four participating institutes belong to the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Münster. The two spokespersons of Mathematics Münster are Prof. Dr. Thomas Nikolaus and Prof. Mario Ohlberger. Thomas Nikolaus succeeded Prof. Dr. Christopher Deninger who stepped down after five years in office in 2024.

Mathematical research in Münster is based on research carried out by the investigators. They are and have been involved in many research collaborations, for example the CRC Geometry: Deformations and Rigidity (since 2020), the CRC 878 - Groups, Geometry and Actions (2010-2019), the CRC 656 - Molecular Cardiovascular Imaging (2005-2017), and the Cluster of Excellence Cells in Motion (CiM) (2012-2019, today Cells in Motion Interfaculty Centre).

The excellence of the researchers is also documented by five Leibniz Prizes, two Alexander von Humboldt Professorships, six ERC Grants, a Karl Georg Christian von Staudt Prize, an Alfried Krupp Award, a Max Planck Research Award and a Felix Klein Prize.