IfK excursion to WestLotto provides interesting insights into communication work in a highly regulated environment
(30.11.2024) Last week, 11 IfK students visited the WestLotto office in Münster. Jens Könning and Robin Funke, Public Affairs Officers, gave the participants a guided tour of the head office and provided fascinating insights into communications work in a highly regulated market.
The tour of the former counting hall and the current server rooms was particularly impressive. ‘In the past, all lottery tickets were checked by hand. Experienced employees needed around 15 seconds to check a ticket,’ explains Jens Könning, Public Affairs and Corporate Communications Officer. ‘Today, our system can process tens of thousands of tickets per second.’
In addition to an extensive tour of the office and a brief excursion into the history of the company, Jens Könning and Robin Funke presented the company's diverse projects and areas of work.
In the concluding discussion, the students had the opportunity to ask the two speakers questions and engage in a dialogue. What challenges and conflicts does communication work in the highly regulated gaming market entail? What career opportunities does WestLotto offer graduates? What does work in the areas of public affairs and marketing actually look like? And what future challenges does the industry face in general? All these questions made for an exciting discussion.
‘Working in communications at WestLotto requires a great deal of sensitivity. Every new marketing initiative, even just a single poster, has to be scrutinised in-house beforehand. This is precisely why we are always looking for talented young people who want to support us in our work,’ summarised Könning.
The excursion was organised as part of the voluntary courses offered by the Competence Centre for Media Practice. The IFK would like to thank WestLotto for the invitation and the opportunity to gain an insight into the company's communications work!
Contact person public relations:
Dr. Stephan Völlmicke
Telefon: +49 251 83-23006
Telefax: +49 251 83-21310 (Geschäftszimmer IfK)