IfK-Researchers at 67th Annual ICA-Conference in San Diego/USA
(22.5.2017) In this year’s 67th annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA,) which takes place from May 25th to May 29th 2017 in San Diego/USA, researchers from the Department of Communication of the University of Münster (IfK) take part with 26 contributions. This conference’s title is “Interventions: Communication Research and Practice”.

With the main topic 2017, “Interventions: Communication Research and Practice”, the annual conference will focus on research and practice concerning communication interventions, stressing their relevance for the communication studies.
The term intervention refers to a range of communication practices that engage with a political event, social phenomena, industrial, or socio-cultural practice, in order to alter or disrupt these events. Communication interventions insert insight from diverse voices, marginal positions, emerging organizational practices and digital technologies to broaden and enrich the dialogue. Also, they can bring complex reframings to events and phenomenon. Interventions want to influence processes, and lead to changed practices on several spheres, for instance governmental and social institutions, cultural and nongovernmental groups, industry, new media and digital spaces, subcultural groups, and in everyday life. Whether made through action, publication, theory, art practice or media production, communication interventions help us in understanding and addressing pressing global issues of the day, including: globalization, global security, climate change, migration flows, human rights, pro-democracy movements, the global wealth divide, in information society, and in digital media, among others.
With 44 pre- and 2 post conferences, the conference will take place from May 24th till May 30th 2017. The main conference will take place from May 25th till May 29th. Within these five days, the topic „Interventions: Communication Research and Practice“ will be discussed from different perspectives, theoretical and methodological approaches within the 31 divisions and interest groups of the ICA. This year, the conference accepted traditional research papers and panels, as well as practice-based work as interventions.
Among the accepted contributions, there are 26 by or with involvement of IfK-researchers:
- Badura, Laura: “The Perception of Journalistic Risk: Exploring the Relationship Between Risk, Trust, and News” Journalism from the Recipients’ Point of View” (Journalism Studies Graduate Student Colloquium)
- Dosenovic, Pero/Luenich, Marco/Starke, Christopher/Marcinkowski, Frank/Flemming, Felix: “Make a Wish: Does German Public Broadcasting Meet Normative Expectations and Audience Preferences in Regard to their Media Coverage of the 2016 Rio Olympics?” (Sports Communication)
- Flemming, Felix/Dosenovic, Pero/Marcinkowski, Frank /Luenich, Marco/Starke, Christopher: “Looking Closely or Looking the Other Way? How German Television Viewers Respond to the Precarious Issues of the Rio Olympics” (Sports Communication)
- Folger, Mona: "David against Goliath?! The persuasive impact of (negative) electronic Word-of-Mouth on Corporate Trustworthiness" (2017 ICA Public Relations Division PhD Student Workshop)
- Frischlich, Lena/Kießler, Antje (Universität zu Köln): “I Will Not Hate: Reactance Moderates the Effects of Hate Speech on Prejudice” (Intergroup Communication)
- Frischlich, Lena/Rieger, Diana (Universität Mannheim)/Morten, Anna (Universität zu Köln)/Schmitt, Josephine B. (Universität zu Köln)/Schötz, Ronja (Universität zu Köln)/Rutkowski, Olivia Cornelia (Universität zu Köln)/Bente, Gary (Universität zu Köln): “A Story For and Not Against: Effects and Limitations of Narrativity in Propaganda Videos and Counternarratives” (Perception, Effects, and Countering of Hate Speech and Extremist Propaganda in the Digital Age)
- Geise, Stephanie/Jaroschek, Stephan (Universität Koblenz-Landau)/Troll, Julia (Universität Erfurt): “Do You Follow? The Impact of Heuristic and Systematic Message Cues on Perceived Online Opinion Leadership” (Political Communication)
- Geise, Stephanie/ Hänelt, Maria/ Buhl, Florian: "Extracting the Nature of Mediatized Social Worlds: Strategies to Identify and Discriminate Sequels of Algorithmized Media in Critical Empirical Media Research" (Data and the Future of Critical Social Research)
- Hase, Valerie/Wintterlin, Florian/Grosser, Katherine Marie/Bloebaum, Bernd: “User-Generated Content in Online Journalism: Exploring How Verifying and Visualizing UGC Influences Journalism’s Trustworthiness” (Journalism Studies)
- Lee-Won, Roselyn J. (Ohio State University)/Tang, Wai Yen/Kibbe, Mackenzie (Ohio State University): “When Virtual Muscularity Enhances Physical Endurance: Masculinity Threat and Compensatory Avatar Customization Among Young Male Adults” (Communication and Technology)
- Maier, Daniel (Freie Universität Berlin)/Waldherr, Annie/Miltner, Peter (Freie Universität Berlin)/Wiedemann, Gregor (Universität Leipzig) Niekler, Andreas (Universität Leipzig)/Heyer, Gerhard (Universität Leipzig)/Keinert, Alexa (Freie Universität Berlin)/Pfetsch, Barbara (Universität Hohenheim)/Haeussler, Thomas (Universität Bern)/Reber, Ueli (Universität Bern)/Schmid-Petri, Hannah (Universität Bern)/Adam, Silke (Universität Bern) : “Applying LDA Topic Modeling in Communication Research: Towards a Valid and Reliable Methodology” (Computational Methods)
- Marcinkowski, Frank: “The Mediatization of ... (Everything): A View From the Systems Perspective” (Journalism Studies)
- Niebergall, Julia: "Content Marketing and its Effects on Trustworthiness of Sender and Message Credibility: An Explanatory Study (ICA Public Relations Division PhD Student Workshop)
- Noelleke, Daniel (Universität Wien)/Birkner, Thomas: “Bypassing Traditional Sports Media? Why and How Professional Volleyball Players Use Social Media Platforms” (Sports Communication)
- Peil, Corinna (Universität Salzburg)/Roeser, Jutta/Mueller, Kathrin Friederike: “The Domestication Concept and Its Analytical Power for Researching Audiences From a Historical Perspective” (Audiences? The Familiar Unknown of Communication Historiography)
- Pfetsch, Barbara (Universität Hohenheim)/Maier, Daniel (Freie Universität Berlin)/Miltner, Peter (Freie Universität Berlin)/Waldherr, Annie: “Diffusion Models in Online Agenda Setting: Theoretical Models and Empirical Assessment” (Political Communication in the Online World: Empirical Findings and Theoretical Perspectives)
- Quandt, Thorsten/Boberg, Svenja/Frischlich, Lena: “The Wall Against the Dark? How Journalists and Community Managers Identify and Interpret Hidden Online Propaganda” (Perception, Effects, and Countering of Hate Speech and Extremist Propaganda in the Digital Age)
- Reer, Felix: “A Self-Determination Theory-Based Laboratory Experiment on Social Aspects of Playing Multiplayer First-Person Shooters.” (Game Studies)
- Reer, Felix: “Social Effects of Playing Multiplayer First-Person Shooters: A Comparison With Online Role-Playing Games” (Game Studies)
- Rieger, Diana (Universität Mannheim)/ Frischlich, Lena/Schmitt, Josephine B. (Universität zu Köln) "The dark side of narrative persuasion: Why propaganda works and what counter-narratives have to learn". (Narrative Persuasion: From Research to Practice)
- Schmitt, Anja Martina Roswitha: “Do You Feel Private on SNSs? Development of the Multidimensional Online Privacy Perception Scale” (Communication and Technology)
- Starke, Christopher/Marcinkowski, Frank: “Trust in Government: What’s News Media Got To Do With It?” (Political Communication)
- Waldherr, Annie/Schmid-Petri, Hannah (Universität Bern): “Authorities, Hubs, and Brokers: Structural Roles of Gatekeeping in Online Issue Networks” (Communication and Technology)
- Wiencierz, Christian/Röttger, Ulrike: “Big Data as a Key Topic for the Next Decade of Strategic Communication Research” (Future Directions of Strategic Communication: Towards The Second Decade of an Emerging Field)
- Wintterlin, Florian: "The Verification of Online Sources in German Newsrooms” (Online and Newsworthy)"
- Zaynel, Nadja: “How Adolescents Deal With WhatsApp” (Children, Adolescents and the Media)
The International Communication Association (ICA) was founded in 1950 and is associated with the United Nations as a non-governmental organization (NGO) since 2003. As a professional association with its headquaters in Washington D.C. and over 4.500 Members from 85 countries by now, ICA is one of the most important scientific platforms for media- and communication research. The next annual conference will be held Praque, Czech Republic.
Contact person public relations:
Dr. Stephan Völlmicke
Telefon: +49 251 83-23006
Telefax: +49 251 83-21310 (Geschäftszimmer IfK)