representative image: Gender equality
© IfPol

Equal opportunities work at the IfPol

The University's equal opportunities work aims to enforce equal rights for all genders at the University in its different areas. Equal opportunities work includes participation in various university committees, the involvement in appointment and recruitment procedures at both institute and departmental levels, raising awareness of equal opportunities issues and providing further training programmes for academic, technical and administrative staff and students.

Rebecca Froese, Anja Morton and Anica Roßmöller represent the decentralised Equal Opportunities Office of Faculty 6 at the Institute of Political Science (IfPol). If you have any questions or problems related to equality, diversity, sexualised violence, work-life balance, etc., they are always here to help.

If you have experienced sexual harassment or violence at the University…

you can contact us, the Equal Opportunities Officer for Faculty 6, Dr.Katrin Huxel, or the Student Equal Opportunities Officer, Franziska Jürgens, at any time. Your anonymity will be guaranteed, and you will receive the best possible support. If necessary, further steps can be discussed and taken together. You can find further information and support here.

Guidelines on Equal Opportunities in appointment procedures

What needs to be considered when appointing professors? Institutes, committee chairs and members can find answers to these questions in the brochure ‘Berufungsverfahren: Handreichung zu Gleichstellungsaspekten’ (currently only available in German).

In this brochure, the Equal Opportunities Specialist Group of Faculty 06 has compiled rights and duties in appointment procedures from an equal opportunities’ perspective. A compact overview provides concrete working aids for appointment committees and explains how the regulations of the North Rhine Westphalian State Equal Opportunities Act are implemented. Both, experienced colleagues and newcomers to appointment committees will find useful information in the current legal texts.

The brochure can be downloaded here. Printed copies are available on email request.

Agreement on Respectful and Cooperative Behaviour at the University of Münster

Since 2013, the University of Münster has agreed on cooperative behaviour. The aim is to ensure a trusting, respectful and positive working environment. Misconducts such as sexual harassment, bullying, stalking and discrimination is to be prevented.