
Photosynthesis Workshop at the Kardinal-von-Galen-Gymnasium in Münster Hiltrup


"Killer Algae Terror in Münster!" That was the announcement that startled the students of the biology class at the Kardinal-von-Galen-Gymnasium on April 11, 2024. Engaging in a three-hour Escape Room activity, they unraveled puzzles and pursued the trail of a mysterious alga leading to a secret laboratory. Once the police uncovered this hidden facility, the students were called upon as scientific consultants to expose the perpetrators' activities and prevent an impending blackmail or worse.

During the adventure, the students refreshed their knowledge of photosynthesis fundamentals and delved into the microscopic world of chloroplasts. What are the effects of the Killer Algae on plants in their environment? How do chloroplasts convert sunlight into chemical energy? What explains the pivotal role of the proton motive force in the light reaction? How can genetic techniques achieve phytotoxicity? What are the molecular effects of selected phytotoxins? All these puzzles were solved by the students both successfully and joyfully.

Moreover, the workshop provided a glimpse into the research questions addressed by GoPMF. While illustrations often depict the photosynthetic electron transport chain as a static system, the students were captivated when exposed to aspects of dynamic regulation and adaptation to varying environmental conditions.

We thank Ulrike Möller from KvG Gymnasium for this exceptional collaboration, and eagerly anticipate future cooperative projects.