
DataPLANT Workshop


  • © GoPMF
  • © GoPMF
  • © GoPMF

We are delighted to collaborate with the NFDI DataPLANT! During a three-day workshop in Münster, our PhD students, postdoctoral researchers and staff scientists were introduced to the essentials of research data management using the annotated research context. Our time together was further enriched by social activities and a scientific speed dating session.

GoPMF Kickoff Meeting


  • © GoPMF
  • © GoPMF
  • © GoPMF

During a three-day meeting in Münster, we discussed the progress of our individual projects, extended a warm welcome to our new members, and meticulously planned our activities for the forthcoming months.

The DFG and the SNF support GoPMF!

© Swiss National Science Foundation

We are delighted to announce the generous support of our research group by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF). Over the next four years, DFG FOR 5573 - GoPMF will investigate the dynamic regulation of the proton motive force (PMF) in photosynthesis.