Spoken Office Communication: Introductions, Professional Small Talk, Tasks and Projects (B1/B2)

Zielgruppe: Administrative and technical staff engaging in spoken communication with international researchers, students and guests.

"Spoken Office Communication" is designed to improve your verbal communication skills within the workplace. Throughout three 90-minute  sessions, you will practise making professional introductions and engaging in polite conversation with international researchers, students and  guests. You will also learn to clearly discuss tasks and projects, improving your ability to communicate in the University’s international work  environment.

Inhalte im Überblick:

  • introductions
  • small talk at the office
  • describing your workplace
  • describing current tasks and projects

Lernziele: Spontaneous and stress-free conversation with international researchers, students and guests in the professional context.

Methoden: Alle Englischkurse und Workshops folgen dem Gedanken des kommunikativen Sprachenlernens und der Verbindung von Inhalt und Sprache.

Referent: Dr. Till van Lil

Diese Veranstaltung ist für Lernende der englischen Sprache. // This course is for English learners.
