Recent Publications

Recent Publications of apl. Prof. Dr. Jörg Schürmann

$\bullet $ Sylvain E. Cappell, Laurenţiu G. Maxim, Jörg Schürmann, and Julius L. Shaneson. Equivariant toric geometry and Euler-Maclaurin formulae—an overview. Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl., 69(2):105–128, June 2024. doi:10.59277/RRMPA.2024.105.128.

$\bullet $ Laurenţiu Maxim and Jörg Schürmann. Weighted Ehrhart theory via equivariant toric geometry. arXiv e-prints, May 2024. arXiv:2405.02900.

$\bullet $ Laurenţiu Maxim and Jörg Schürmann. Weighted Ehrhart theory via mixed Hodge modules on toric varieties. arXiv e-prints, March 2024. arXiv:2403.17747.

$\bullet $ Paolo Aluffi, Leonardo Mihalcea, Jörg Schürmann, and Changjian Su. Motivic Chern classes of Schubert cells, Hecke algebras, and applications to Casselman's problem. Annales Scientifiques de l'ÉNS, 57(1):87–141, February 2024. doi:10.24033/asens.2571.

$\bullet $ Paolo Aluffi, Leonardo C. Mihalcea, Jörg Schürmann, and Changjian Su. From motivic Chern classes of Schubert cells to their Hirzebruch and CSM classes. In A glimpse into geometric representation theory, volume 804 of Contemp. Math., pages 1–52. American Mathematical Society, 2024. doi:10.1090/conm/804/16110.

$\bullet $ Paolo Aluffi, Leonardo C. Mihalcea, Jörg Schürmann, and Changjian Su. Shadows of characteristic cycles, Verma modules, and positivity of Chern–Schwartz–MacPherson classes of Schubert cells. Duke Mathematical Journal, 172(17):3257 – 3320, November 2023. doi:10.1215/00127094-2022-0101.

$\bullet $ Markus Banagl, Jörg Schürmann, and Dominik J. Wrazidlo. Topological gysin coherence for algebraic characteristic classes of singular spaces. arXiv e-prints, October 2023. arXiv:2310.15042.

$\bullet $ Jörg Schürmann and Raimar Wulkenhaar. An algebraic approach to a quartic analogue of the Kontsevich model. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 174(3):471–495, May 2023. doi:10.1017/S0305004122000366.

$\bullet $ Jörg Schürmann, Connor Simpson, and Botong Wang. A new generic vanishing theorem on homogeneous varieties and the positivity conjecture for triple intersections of Schubert cells. arXiv e-prints, March 2023. arXiv:2303.13833.

$\bullet $ Paolo Aluffi, Leonardo C. Mihalcea, Jörg Schürmann, and Changjian Su. From motivic Chern classes of Schubert cells to their Hirzebruch and CSM classes. arXiv e-prints, December 2022. arXiv:2212.12509.

$\bullet $ Paolo Aluffi, Leonardo C. Mihalcea, Jörg Schürmann, and Changjian Su. Positivity of Segre-MacPherson classes. In Facets of algebraic geometry. Vol. I, volume 472 of London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Ser., pages 1–28. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, April 2022. doi:10.1017/9781108877831.001.

$\bullet $ Laurenţiu G. Maxim and Jörg Schürmann. Constructible sheaf complexes in complex geometry and applications. In Handbook of Geometry and Topology of Singularities III, pages 679–791. February 2022. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-95760-5_10.

$\bullet $ Laurentiu Maxim and Jörg Schürmann. Plethysm and cohomology representations of external and symmetric products. Adv. Math., 375:107373, December 2020. doi:10.1016/j.aim.2020.107373.

$\bullet $ Laurentiu Maxim, Morihiko Saito, and Jörg Schürmann. Spectral Hirzebruch-Milnor classes of singular hypersurfaces. Math. Ann., 377(1-2):281–315, June 2020. doi:10.1007/s00208-018-1750-4.

$\bullet $ Laurentiu Maxim, Morihiko Saito, and Jörg Schürmann. Thom-Sebastiani theorems for filtered $\mathcal D$-modules and for multiplier ideals. Int. Math. Res. Notices, 2020(1):91–111, January 2020. doi:10.1093/imrn/rny032.

$\bullet $ Jörg Schürmann and Jon Woolf. Witt groups of abelian categories and perverse sheaves. Ann. K-Theory, 4(4):621–670, December 2019. doi:10.2140/akt.2019.4.621.