SLcM - Faculty 10 Mathematics and Computer Science

On this page you will find the most important information about the SLcM and answers to questions that (will...) have arisen (in relation to our MSc Mathematics degree programme). Please check here first to see if your question has already been answered before you send us an e-mail to the Academic Student Advisory Service!

For our German language degrees (all degrees except the MSc Mathematics), please check the German version of this page.

This page was created on 23 September 2024 and is continuously updated.

Last Update: 26 September 2024, 11:37 am


Access to the SLcM system for all status groups is via the so-called Fiori Launchpad. You can access it via the following link:


The booking/cancellation of courses and the registration/de-registration of exams and required coursework is done via the app “Online course catalogue”. Further brief information on which student app can do what has been made available centrally on this page (so far only available in German - sorry... :-( ).

Special features of SLcM compared to HISLSF/QISPOS


  • In SLcM, every course must be booked and every exam/required coursework resp. must be registered.
    There is no longer a “coincidence” of two registration points for courses and exams or required coursework (as was often the case in QISPOS) in SLcM.
    In the case of tutorials, too, both the course and the exercises must be registered.
    Sometimes there are even two achievements that have to be registered for each course: one exam and one required coursework.
  • In “approx. 98 per cent of all cases” in our degree programmes, the respective course must even be booked before(!) the associated exam or required coursework can be registered. (This will probably result in most alerts if something does not work).
  • The situation is different in some parts of the minor subjects. However, the course itself must also be booked in the semester in which you wish to complete it, even if you are not “asked” to book the course first when you try to register the exam or required coursework.
  • Note: As in QISPOS, registrations for written exams are date-related. This means that you will also find the registration options in SLcM as soon as the second exams have been coordinated and scheduled in the system.

Note that...

  • It may be the case that courses are part of several modules or several module components. The booking of courses is always related to a specific module component.
    (Even if this does not appear in the system in the online course catalogue... Unfortunately, there appears to be a booking in all modules in which the course can be selected. The problem is known, but cannot be solved. However, you can check the module overview app to see in which module you have booked the course).
  • If you would like to use the course in another module or in another module component, you must first cancel it in the old module component (still in the semester of the course!!) and then book it in the new module component (also still in the semester of the course). (You can only make the new booking until the end of the course's semester).
  • It is only possible to register technically course-related exams or required coursework in the module in which you have previously booked the course. (So if you are unable to register a course-related exam or required coursework in the desired module, it is highly likely that you have selected the course in another module (perhaps with the same title, but possibly a different ER version or similar)).
  • For technically module-related exams or required coursework, you must also select the module in which you previously booked the course.
  • The registration of exams or required coursework is also related to the respective module component.


  • As a rule, the deadlines are listed in the online course catalogue. (These are based on the previous QISPOS deadlines and the examination regulations).
  • Courses can be booked from the opening of the course catalogue - or as soon as they have been activated - until the end of the semester in which they are offered. (This is limited by the fact that bookings for our degree programmes almost always have to be made before the registration of exams or required coursework).
  • For undated examinations, the university-wide registration and cancellation period applies (analogously to QISPOS).
  • For examinations with dates, a deadline of 7 days before the date applies for our own courses at the department, as specified in the examination regulations.
  • For oral examinations, you must register by e-mail from your university e-mail address at the Examinations Office by the deadline (as with QISPOS).
  • For minor subjects, the deadlines of the subjects offered apply.


In particular, for second examinations that are scheduled only at the beginning of the following semester, the courses must all be booked in the semester beforehand.  

However, you can cancel booked courses for which you have not yet received a “technical booking confirmation” for as long as you wish.

General Studies (Allgemeine Studien)

 [not relevant for the MSc Mathematics]

Minor subjects Business Administration and Economics

These will continue to be managed in FlexNow for some time, so that you will then have to get the results entered in SLcM at module level in the examination office for our Faculty on the basis of the certificate from the examination office of the Faculty 04 (School of Business and Economics).

App Module Overview

You have the option of giving people in the Academic Student Advisory Service reading access to this app (and also to withdraw it again) if you have a counselling request that may be easier to resolve in more difficult situations in the examination regulations if they know what you have already chosen or passed or failed and exactly in which module component during your course of study.

Questions, errors, comments

If you have any questions about the new system (error messages that cannot be interpreted, unexpected error messages, etc.), please contact us at the Academic Student Advisory Service. (In any case, please tell us at least your degree programme and your ER version, ideally also the module and the text of the error message). We will try to answer this or have it resolved in the campus management project.  However, you may also find the answer on the university-wide general FAQ pages of the campus management project (or here on this page).

Missing booking or registration options

in the SLcM course catalogue:

  • Firstly, please try to rule out the possibility that this is not simply a mistake on your part. Frequent messagesin which registrations for exams and required coursework (and possibly also bookings of courses) are correctly prevented are:
    • that you cannot register due to some missing link to a course. In approx. 95 per cent of all cases, you have either not yet booked the associated course or have booked it in another module component or another module.
    • ... that the Q flag not fulfilled: This means that you cannot register for the module yourself and must register at the Examinations Office by the deadline.
  • If you have excluded at least these two correct registration notifications and are unable to progress:
  • For the courses, exams and required coursework in Computer Science and Mathematics, please contact us at the Academic Student Avisory Service! Either we know what the problem is (we may still be missing information from lecturers), or something has been forgotten/overlooked in the planning.
  • For the minor subjects of the other faculties, please contact the study coordinators or responsible planners of the other faculties first! 
    • Biology: Dr. Robert Klapper
    • Chemistry: Dr. Agnes Wrobel
    • Physics: apl. Prof. Dr. Hartmut Bracht
    • Philosophy: Sandra Bertels
    • If it is not a planning problem, they will contact us at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science's Academic Student Advisory Service and we will get in touch with you and, if necessary, also take care of mapping problems for the degree programmes in our Faculty.
  • If the deadline is approaching and, for technical reasons, it is still not possible to book/register at certain points, you must also contact the Examinations Office by e-mail from your university e-mail address by the deadline. (A message to us in the Academic Student Advisory Service or even just the lecturers is not sufficient for this - as in QISPOS).
  • Unfortunately, planning usually requires two steps, each of which(!) requires a technical update of the SLcM online course catalogue that we cannot influence in terms of time. Unfortunately, the SLcM online course catalogue is only updated twice a day, so that even if we try to update it immediately, it usually takes more than a day from your notification to the complete booking/registering option. (In contrast to HISLSF/QISPOS, where changes appear immediately).

Specific questions about using the apps

If you receive error messages when trying to book/cancel courses or register/de-register exams or required coursework, please tell us your degree programme, the module, the course and also the text of the error message you have received, a screenshot is also fine, and ideally also the approximate time. Otherwise the errors are not so easy to localise and we often have to ask you, which takes a lot of time due to the large number of messages. Thank you very much!

Suggestions for improvements

You are welcome to make suggestions for improvement. The campus management project will then check whether this can be implemented.

FAQ and known problems


  • I cannot find course “xy”. Which module is it in?
    Try searching using the search field in the top left corner of the online course catalogue! Sometimes it helps (course titles may be written slightly differently in different places (overview of the Institute of Computer Science, HISLSF, SLcM, homepage, learnweb, etc.)) to search for the surname of the instructor(s) and then go to the course in the “Course” tab to find the right module in the “Part of” tab.
  • In the online course catalogue, the module I want to use for a course contains several course groups for the same course.  However, I can technically only book one. Which one is correct?
    Normally, you book the group that you are actually in.
    In some cases it is unfortunately not possible for technical reasons (and sometimes in the pilot phase also for time reasons...) to plan the groups properly in the SLcM system. (This is the case, for example, if dates or rooms of exercise groups have been extensively rescheduled in HISLSF after the initial planning and entry in SLcM, but we in the Academic Student Advisory Service or the planning secretaries simply did not know about this, because the lecturers or assistants only made the rescheduling with the room planning and only in HISLSF. Or even if individual dates have to be planned in addition to larger blocks). In these cases (at least in the current pilot phase), you can technically also simply book “any” group for the desired course in the module in the appropriate module component. In the end, it does not matter for your transcript of records which exact group you have booked for the correct course in the correct module component.

MSc Mathematics

As the MSc Mathematics has not yet started in SLcM, there are no MSc Mathematics specific questions here... ;-)

Current problems with SLcM...

... can also be found (if not already here on this page) in our HotNews on the main page in the Studies section of our Faculty.

In particular, you will find information there when comprehensive matters are affected by a disruption, for which we hope for a quick solution and for which the information can change quickly and repeatedly.

Additional linkages

In some areas (due to the high effort), not all eligible courses, exams and required coursework are immediately available in SLcM at the start of registration period:

In the MSc Mathematics, this applies to the specialisation courses in the MSc Mathematics, which are offered as lecture (4 hours per week) and the corresponding tutorial (2 hours per week), which according to the examination regulations can generally also be taken as broadening courses (in exactly the area of specialisation from which they come: Theoretical Mathematics or Applied Mathematics).

In this case, please contact the Academic Student Advisory Service in good time before the end of the respective registration period so that the courses, exams and required coursework can be made available in SLcM and you can register yourself before the deadline. (The best way to do this is to visit us directly during our office hours).

Modules that you cannot register yourself

Some courses, exams and required coursework in modules of our degree programmes cannot be registered by the students themselves, but must be registered or booked at the Examinations Office. These include:

  • those modules in the minor subject Computer Science of the MSc Mathematics that can also occur in the corresponding Bachelor's degree programmes. (Here it must be checked whether the module (in terms of content) has not already been studied in the Bachelor's phase, if necessary in consultation with the examination officer of the MSc Computer Science). For this purpose, registration must be made before the deadlines by sending an email from your university email account to the Examinations Office. There is no registration/booking in these modules via forms.
  • the module "Personal Enrichment" in the MSc Mathematics
    Please note that here there are only limited options for the choice of courses!


The theses are managed via the SLcM for the degree programmes that are available in the SLcM.

After consultation with the first assessor, students start the process via the “Theses (registration)” app. The field for the second examiner does not necessarily have to be completed by the student, but then in the next step by the first examiner in their app “Theses (exam authorisation)”.

Information for course planners and teaching staff

[only available in German]


As the MSc Mathematics has not yet started in SLcM, there is no archive here. ;-)