Christian Engwer

Andreas Buhr (CST, Darmstadt): Performance Tuning of Numerical Codes in a Commercial Environment

Tuesday, 04.12.2012 16:45 im Raum Seminarraum 222 im Institut für Angewandte Physik, Corrensstraße 2

Mathematik und Informatik

Computer Simulation Technology AG (CST AG) develops simulation tools for electromagnetic applications. The CST STUDIO SUITE(R) software covers a wide range of applications, ranging from antenna design e.g. of today’s mobile phones, to the simulation of particle accelerator components. Not the convergence order of the algorithms is important, but rather reaching the required accuracy as fast as possible. Besides choosing the optimal algorithm, it is of course essential to have an optimal implementation. During the last couple of years, CST’s software was highly optimized, parallelized, and multi-GPU support was added. The relevant parts of the code are now often 100 times faster than a straightforward serial implementation. Maintaining this good performance is as crucial as functional testing. In a large team of developers, like the team at CST, it’s hardly possible that every developer is always aware of all performance implications when adding new features. Therefore, automated performance monitoring of the software is essential. In my talk, I will share some experiences of the last years of tuning and optimization at CST.

Angelegt am 05.11.2012 von Christian Engwer
Geändert am 03.12.2012 von Carolin Gietz
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Angewandte Mathematik Münster
Oberseminar Angewandte Mathematik