Staff at the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology
Staff A-Z
Last Name
First Name
Asoğlu Beyza - - E-Mail Bajwa, M.A. Marium - - E-Mail Bertels, Dr. Ursula 3.5 +49 (0) 251 - 83-27318 E-Mail Cristea, M.A. Florin 3.12 - E-Mail Diallo, Dr. Souleymane 2.3 +49 (0) 251 - 83-27314 E-Mail Gallo, M.A. Raffaele - - follows Hannen Lisa 2.8 +49 (0) 251 - 83-27316 E-Mail Hyeon, M.A. Yura - E-Mail Ikeji Marvin 2.8 +49 (0) 251 - 83-27316 E-Mail John, M.A. Thomas - - E-Mail Karavasilev, M.A. Kostadin 3.31 +49 (0) 251 - 83-27309 E-Mail Maier, M.A. Rudolf - - E-Mail Manderbach, M.A. Till - - follows Osterheider Stephanie 1.10 +49 (0) 251 - 83-27311 E-Mail Rexha, M.A. Jeta - - follows Savu-Cristea, M.A. Irina 3.3 +49 (0) 251 - 83-27308 E-Mail Schulz, Prof. Dr. Dorothea 2.5 +49 (0) 251 - 83-27312 E-Mail Singh, M.A. Jasper - E-Mail Stodulka, Prof. Dr. Thomas 3.6 +49 (0) 251 - 83-27320 E-Mail Strauss, Dr. Annika 3.7 +49 (0) 251 - 83-27310 E-Mail Wendt, M.A. Emma 3.2 +49 (0) 251 - 83-27319 E-Mail