Current lectures
Dear students, colleagues and friends,
Trigger warning: text and performance address sexualized violence
Intrusive behavior often leaves us speechless and ashamed. What does our speechlessness mean? How can it take up space? What shapes could it take? And why do we often worry about being too much with our stories, fears and concerns?
We, a group of students from the BA in Cultural and Social Anthropology, dare to take up space and be loud and would like to invite you to our ethnographic performance “Laut&LAUTER*” on Saturday, February 1, at 8 pm. at Studiobühne in the Philosophikum (Domplatz 23). The performance will be followed by an audience discussion. All interested parties are welcome. Admission is free. The performance and discussion will be held in German.
The performance is the final project of the course Forschendes Lernen, which dealt with emotions in ethnographic research during the winter semester 2024/25. The participants experimented with theatrical methods and discussed how to make social anthropological insights accessible to the public.
We look forward to seeing you!
Best regards from the Research-based Learning WS 24/25 courseDepartmental Colloquium Series – Winter Semester 2024/25
You can find the complete schedule of the lectures here.
Departmental Colloquium Series – Summer Semester 2024
You can find the complete schedule of the lectures here.
Departmental Colloquium Series – winter term 2023/24
Decolonizing Anthropology
Eine selbstkritische Standortbestimmung in Forschung und Lehre //
A self-critical appraisal of the current state of research and teachingThe lecture series is a digital joint event of social and cultural anthropological institutes in Austria, Switzerland, and Germany and will be screened online into our seminar room. After listening to the online-presentations for the first half of the session, we will switch off the screen and Arne Harms and Thomas Stodulka will moderate our in-house discussion.
You can find an overview by clicking here. You'll also find the upcoming events in our calendar.
The lectures start at 6 p.m. sharp.Link to all sessions:
Past events & workshops
Past lecture series
Lectures in the winter term 2023/24
For the master schedule click here
Lectures in the summer term 2023
For the master schedule click here
Lectures in the winter term 2022/23
For the master schedule click here
Lectures in the summer term 2022
July 13th 2022, at 4p.m., Dr. Iain Walker (Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Halle)
Creating self and other: discourses of inclusion and exclusion on MayotteJune 29th 2022 at 4 p.m., Dr. Nadine Rossol (University of Essex)
Police History in Germany: New Perspectives and Old ChallengesMay 30th 2022 at 4 p.m., Prof. Dr. Jean Comaroff (Harvard University)
“Vigilantism” and the Paradox of Popular Sovereignty in South AfricaApril 20th 2022 at 4 p.m., Prof. Dr. Bettina E. Schmidt (University of Wales)
Non-ordinary Experiences and COVID-19. Initial findings of a new research on spiritual experiences during the pandemic
Lectures in the winter term 2021/22
List of lectures in the winter semester 2021/22
Lectures in the summer term 2021
List of Lectures in the summer semester 2021
23.06.2021 at 4 p.m., Karim Zafer
Unaccompanied minor and youth refugees making a family and a future09.06.2021 at 4 p.m.,, Prof. Scott M. Youngstedt
Traditional Healing in Niamey, Niger
07.07.2021 at 4 p.m., Prof. Susan Rasmussen
Loneliness and Travel in Tuareg and Anthropological Perspective: Challenges and Insights in the Study of Emotions in Cultural Encounters
14.07.2021 at 4 p.m., Prof. Roberto Beneduce
Refugees and postcolony: foreign frontiers of truth and future
Lectures in the winter term 2020/21
List of Lecturers in the winter term 2020/21
Lectures in the winter term 2019/20
List of Lecturers in the winter term 2019/20
Lectures in the Summer Term 2019
26.06.2019 4-6pm, Dr. Markus Schleiter
(WWU Münster)
Producing Indigeneity in India – Colonial Ethnography, Media Infrastructures, and Romance Through the Lens of a Santali Music Video19.06.2019 4-6pm, Prof. Dr. Frank Heidemann
(Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich)
'The Seamen from Minicoy (Maliku), South-West India' Pioneers of early globalisation05.06.2019 4-6pm, Dr. Sharon Gabie
(Rhodes University, Grahamstown)
Reclaiming Indigeneity: Disrupting and Unsettling the Legacy of Categorisation and Naming in Southern Africa22.05.2019 4-6pm, Dr. Uroš Kovač
(University Cologne)
"The Precarity of Masculinity: Football, Pentecostalism, and Transnational Aspirations in Cameroon"08.05.2019 4-6pm, Dr. Patrick Desplat
(Georg-August-University, Göttingen)
"Dreads of Betrayal. Envy and Secrecy among Youth in Urban Madagascar"24.04.2019 4-6pm, Prof. Dr. Abdul Shaban
(Tata Institute of Social Sciences)
"Impact of Digital Technologies and Industries on Creative Industries and its Geographies in India"
Lectures in the Winter Semester 2018/19
List of Lecturers in the Winter Semester 2018/19
Lectures in the Summer Semester 2018
List of Lecturers in the Summer Semester 2018
Lectures in the Winter Semester 2017/18
List of Lecturers in the Winter Semester 2017/18
Lectures in the Summer Semester 2017
List of Lecturers in the Summer Semester 2017
Lectures in the Winter Semester 2016/17
List of Lecturers in the Winter Semester 2016/17
Lectures in the Summer Semester 2016
10. Mai 2016 um 18 Uhr, Prof. Dr. Abdul Shaban
(Tiss University Mumbai)
Urban Space and Religious Minorities: A Case of Mumbai City
Lectures in the Winter Semester 2015/16
List of lectures in the Winter Semester 2015/16
Lectures in the Summer Semester 2015
List of lectures in the Summer Semester 2015
Lectures in the Winter Semester 2014/15
List of lectures in the winter semester 2014/15
Lectures in the Summer Semester 2014
List of lectures in the summer semester 2014
Lectures in the Summer Semester 2013:
03. 07. 2013, 16 – 18 Uhr, Prof. Dr. Jürgen Frembgen (Institut für den Nahen und Mittleren Osten, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München):
"The Iconic Presence of the Qalandar: Aesthetics of Devotion in the Cult of the Sufi Saint Lal Shahbaz Qalandar in Pakistan"
19. 06. 2013, 16-18 Uhr Gurvinder S. Kalra, MD, DPM, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, M.G.M. Medical College & Hospital, M.G.M. University of Health Sciences Campus
"Understanding the Hijra Identity through Bollywood Cinema"
05. 06. 2013, 16 – 18 Uhr, Prof. Dr. Parvis Ghassem-Fachandi
(Department of Anthropology, Rutgers University, New York):
"Naming and Omission: Proverbs, Prayer and Possession in Suburban Gujarat"
29. 05. 2013, 16 – 18 Uhr, Dr. Johannes Quack (The lecture turns out unfortunately.)
(Institut für Ethnologie, Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main):
"Formal, Informal, Formed, and (Ill-)Informed Consent: Ethical Challanges in Hospital Ethnographies"
15. 05. 2013, 16 – 18 Uhr, Dr. Kristine Krause
(Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Göttingen):
"Abusua in London: Practicing Family and Creating Relatedness in Therapy Networks around a Ghanaian Pub"
24. 04. 2013, 16 – 18 Uhr, Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Dilger
(Institut für Ethnologie, Freie Universität Berlin):
Religion and the Formation of “Unequal subjects” in an Urban Educational Market: Christian and Muslim Schooling in Dar es Salaam, TanzaniaThe lecture given by Professor had to unfortunately be canceled.
17. 04. 2013, 16 – 18 Uhr, Ekkehard Schröder
(Editor in chief of Curare Journal of Medical Anthropology and vice-chairman of Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ethnomedizin AGEM e.V.):
"Georges Devereux, Eine Übersicht über sein Leben und Werk als Wanderer zwischen Orten und Diskursen."
Lectures in the Winter Semester 2012/13
14.11.2012, 14-16 Uhr, Schlossplatz 2, Raum S2, Prof. Dr. Frank Heidemann
(Institut für Ethnologie München) Thema:
"Soziale Ästhetik als neue Perspektive für die Ethnologie"14.11.2012, 18 – 20 Uhr, Studtstraße 21, Raum STU 105 (2.10) Prof. Dr. Erdmute Alber (Institut für Ethnologie, Universität Bayreuth): Im Dickicht der Geschwisterbeziehungen - eine Fallgeschichte aus Nordbenin
16.01.2013, 18 – 20 Uhr, Studtstraße 21, Raum STU 105 (2.10) Prof. Dr. Annette Hornbacher (Institut für Ethnologie, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg): Ortschaften des globalen Hinduismus: Balinesische Pilger auf der Suche - wonach?
30. 01.2013, 18 – 20 Uhr, Studtstraße 21, Raum STU 105 (2.10) Prof. Dr. Matthias Krings (Institut für Ethnologie und Afrikastudien, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz): Kinoerzählen in Afrika: Skizze eines Forschungsfeldes
19.04.2012 Here you can find a listing of our guest lectures in the summer semester of 2012
03.11.2011, 14.00 Uhr, Room SCH 100.3:
"Ethnologie und Nationalsozialismus in Frankreich. Der Antisemitismus in Leben und Werk von George Alexis Montandon (1879 -1944) - ein Ethnologe, Prähistoriker, Anthropologe und Paläoanthropologe,
à la dérive´ (Knobel 1988)"
Prof. Dr. A. Fiedermutz20.04.2011, 2pm – 4pm, Room STU 102 (2.4):
De-centering anthropology: Three East European traditions in context: Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia.
Dr. Aleksandar Bošković
Institute of Social Sciences, Belgrade and University of Belgrade27.04.2011, 2pm – 4pm, Room STU 102 (2.4)
The tale of Rama and Sita in Java
Prof. Dr. Willem van der Molen
Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Carribean Studies, Leiden04.05.2011, 14 – 16 Uhr, Raum STU 102 (2.4)
The impact of modernity on the oral traditions in Nias
Pastor Johannes Hämmerle
OFMCap, Nias, Indonesia11.05.2011, 2pm – 4pm, Room STU 102 (2.4)
Resurrection of Javanese pre-Islamic concepts of power in modern Indonesia
Jiri Jakl MA
University of Queensland, Australia23.05.2011, 6pm – 8pm, Room STU 105 (2.10)
Enacting the mountains: Ethnographic remarks on an anthropology of environment
Anja Wagner, M.A.
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster20.06.2011, 6pm – 8pm, Room STU 105 (2.10)
Die lokale Aneignung der Depression in Kerala, Südindien
Dr. Claudia Lang
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München04.07.2011, 6pm – 8pm, Room STU 105 (2.10)
Relatedness as transcendence: on the renewed debate over the meaning of kinship
Prof. Prof. Dr. Robert Parkin
Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Oxford"Salon [anthro]metronom #1 | Memories & Commemoration Practices"
In the first edition of the "Salon [anthro]metronom", the blog for psychological anthroplogy [anthro]metronom will be presented through a discussion with its authors. Further information on the event can be found in the flyer and in the event calendar.