Dr. Souleymane Diallo
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
Institut für Ethnologie
Studtstraße 21
D-48149 Münster
Tel.: + 49 251 83-27314
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
Institut für Ethnologie
Studtstraße 21
D-48149 Münster
Tel.: + 49 251 83-27314
Office hour during winter semester 2023/24 (only via Zoom):
Tuesday, 4-6 p.m. or per appointment:
consultation hour via zoom (Meeting-ID: 620 0442 6521,
password: please ask Dr. Diallo)
no consultation hour in the office!
Cooperation with Africa Globally Connected
My current project entitled "Constructing religious authority and transnational Muslim community in the militarized border zone of Mali/ Niger", investigates how rising levels of insecurity and related international efforts of “securitization” in the context of a Global War on Terror in the Sahara and northern Sahel, affect constructions of religious authority, proper Muslim identity and transnational community in the militarized border zone of Mali and Niger. For this purpose, the project focuses on the religious self-understandings, discourses and practices, and transborder economic activities of the Dabakkar, a Muslim group that, centered on its spiritual leader, shaykh Abdousalam ag Mohammadan, has remained outside the radar of scholarly interest and investigation. By addressing the highly topical question of how the militarization of the Western Sahara/ Sahel affects Muslim religious authority and identities in the area, and by focusing on the practices and understandings of a Tuareg status group whose distinctive social and religious practices of the Tijanyya spiritual path have gone unnoticed so far, the project fills in an important lacuna in the scholarship on Islam in West Africa. It redresses the conventional narrow scholarly focus on noble Tuareg religious clans, their religious expertise and authority credentials. Also, by examining the Dabakkar’ changing understandings and material practices of religious authority, community and proper Muslimhood under present conditions of physical, material, and political insecurity, the project places scholarly debate on Muslim religiosity and authority in sub-Saharan Africa in the context of an increasingly globalizing politics of religion.
West Africa, (in particular) Sahel/Sahara
Islam in Africa, intra-religious conflict dynamics, anthropology of religion, anthropology of war, humanitarianism, gender studies, youth studies, anthropology of music, political anthropology, methods and methodology, theories and practices of anthropological film making
084873 | Ausgewählte Begleitlektüre zur Vorlesung 19.10.23 - 01.02.24, Do 10-12, F 040 |
084881 | The Anthropology of Music: methods and debates 11.10.23 - 31.01.24, Mi 12-14, STU 105 (2.10) |
082880 Bachelor 082888 Master |
Nature as a cultural category: Anthropological perspectives on Humans and non-Human relations 11.04.23 - 11.07.23, Di 12-14, F 030 |
082886 | Writing a Project Proposal 12.04.23 - 12.07.23, Mi 12-14, STU 105 (2.10) |
082887 | Preparing for Fieldwork 12.04.23 - 12.07.23, Mi 14-15, STU 105 (2.10) |
080879 | The armed conflicts in Africa: Anthropological perspectives 11.10.22 - 31.01.23, Di 12-14, ULB 202 |
080884 | Migration: Methods and Debates 12.10.22 - 01.02.23, Mi 12-14, STU 105 (2.10) |
088876 Bachelor 088881 Master |
Postcolonial theories, In and Out Africa 05.04.22 - 12.07.22, Di 12-14, F 043 |
086892 | Globalization, In and Out Africa 20.10.21 - 02.03.22, Mi 12-14, F 042 |
084883 Bachelor 084895 Master |
The Politics of Humanitarianism/development Aid in Africa: Critical perspectives 14.04.21 - 19.05.21, Mi 12-14 02.06.21 - 21.07.21, Mi 12-14 |
082876 Bachelor 082886 Master |
Masculinity: Technologies and Cultures of Gender in Africa 04.11.20 - 10.02.21, Mi 12.14 |
080873 | Einführung in die Religionsethnologie |
080897 | Postcolonial Theories: Kinship, Migration, and Future Making in Africa |
080893 | Postcolonial Theories: Kinship, Migration, and Future Making in Africa |
088871 | Seminar Einführung 17.10.19 - 10.01.20, Do 16-18, ULB 201 |
088876 Bachelor 088890 Master |
Crime and Policing in Neoliberal Africa: Critical Perspectives 16.10.19 - 19.01.20, Mi 12-15, F040 |
086876 | The Refugee Crisis in Africa: Critical Perspectives 10.04.19 - 10.07.19, Mi 12-14, F 030 |
086895 | Key Debates in Contemporary Africanist Anthropology 11.04.19 - 11.07.19, Do 12-14, STU 102 (2.4) |
084881 | Terrorism and War on Terror in Muslim Africa: Critical Perspectives 10.10.18 - 30.01.19, Mi 12-14, F 040 |
084890 | Youth and Masculinity in Neoliberal Africa 11.10.18 - 31.01.19, Do 12-14, STU 102 (2. |
082892 | The Refugee Crisis in Africa: Critical Perspectives Einzeltermin, 10.04.18, Di 16-18, STU 105 (2.10) Einzeltermin, 24.04.18, Di 14-20, STU 105 (2.10) Einzeltermin, 15.05.18, Di 14-20, STU 105 (2.10) Einzeltermin, 12.06.18, Di 14-20, STU 105 (2.10) Einzeltermin, 10.07.18, Di 14-20, STU 105 (2.10) |
Monographs and Book chapters
2024 | "Shame, Exile, and Muslim Masculinity among the Bellah Refugees from Mali in Niger”, In: Shame, Modesty, and Honor in Islam, edited by Ayang Utriza Yakin, Adis Duderija, and An Van Raemdonck, 85-98. London-New York: Bloomsbury Academic. |
2022 | (with Dorothea Schulz): Islamic Renewal, Muslim Divorce, and Gender Relations in Mali. In: Stiles, Erin; Akin, Ayang Utriza (eds.): Islamic Divorce in the 21st Century. A Global Perspective. Rutgers University Press |
2019 | The Truth is that we are not Tuareg: Exile, Memory, and the Making of Bellah-Iklan Community in Niger ,dans B.S. Lecocq et A.Niang(dir); Identités sahéliennes en temps de crise, Histoires, enjeux et perspectives, Berlin, Lit Verlag: 67-91 |
2018 | “The Truth about the Desert”: Exile, Memory, and the Making of Communities among Malian Tuareg Refugees in Niger. Modern Academic Publishing (MAP): University of Cologne and LMU of Munich. |
Journal articles (peer reviewed)
2023 | *(with Dorothea Schulz, first editor): "Rifle, Pen, and Prayer Beads: Constructing Political Legitimacy in Mali", Africa Today 70(1):1-110 |
2023 | *(with Dorothea Schulz, second author): “Fragments of Legitimacy: Symbolic Constructions of Political Leadership in Twenty-First-Century Mali.” In: Rifle, Pen, and Prayer Beads: Constructing Political Legitimacy in Mali, edited by Dorothea Schulz and Souleymane Diallo, Africa Today 70(1):13-37. |
2022 | "Exile, Masculine honor, and Gender Relations among the Tuareg from Mali in Niamey, Niger”, Canadian Journal of African Studies, pp 1-20; doi.org/10.1080/00083968.2021.2017307. |
2021 | "Les militants musulmans et les entrepreneurs politiques au Nord Mali: les Bellah entre affirmation et contestation dans l'État malien post-colonial", Études internationales, Volume LII, N°3:299-322. |
2016 | “We must all go to the Hangar”: Performing Bellah group membership in the refugee camp in Abala, Niger. Performances of Belonging, Difference, and Exclusion in Muslim Africa, Journal for Islamic Studies, No. 35, 43-69. |
2016 | (together with Dorothea Schulz): Competing Assertions of Muslim masculinity in Contemporary Mali, Journal of Religion in Africa, No.46, 219-50. |
Films, Filmfestivals and Awards
2011 | Days of Ethnographic Film, Slovenia. |
2010 | V. Moscou International Festival and Scholarly Conference of Visual Anthropology (First Price of Debut Competition) |
2009 | International Festival of Jean Rouch, 28th Bilan of Ethnographic Film, Paris |
2009 | International Festival of Niamina Sory (Niamina, Bamako). |
2008 | Echagh (the Well), 32 min. |
For my latest CV, please klick here.