Language and Media


This module provides knowledge of communication practices in diverse forms of media. It can be productively combined with all specializations if the individual focus is on the usage of language in the media, but it is best suited for combination with single-language specializations. The contents of the module fit well with the elective module “Language in Interaction” and can also be combined particularly well with the contents of the modules “Linguistic Variation,” “Language and Culture,” and “Multilingualism and Language Acquisition.”

Course content

This module focuses on private and public communicative practices, which are theoretically reflected upon and empirically investigated within different forms of communication and media. Basic knowledge in system-related and action-theoretical approaches will be emphasized in the area of “new media”. In addition to the theoretical approaches, students can conduct smaller empirical studies in project work, discussing current research questions taking into consideration the theoretical foundations. Students learn to relate theoretical assumptions to complex conditional structures and to independently develop appropriate research designs. At the same time, students learn practical skills in the use of language and media with a broad range of applications.

Learning outcomes

Students will have gained in-depth knowledge of systems and action theory approaches to communication in the media (print, online, etc.). Furthermore, they will be capable of investigating, reflecting on and critically questioning private and public discourses under the influence of (mass) media in empirical studies. Students will thus have acquired theoretical and methodological-practical analytical skills with regard to communication through modern technologies.