Methods of Linguistics


In this module, students are introduced to the basic methodological procedures essential for further study of linguistics. The module provides students with both practical skills in scientific methods and the ability to critically read scientific literature in relation to the methodology employed. This is a foundational module that introduces the study of linguistics in the broadest sense.

Course content

This module provides insights into both quantitative and qualitative methods relevant to linguistics. The lecture deals with epistemological foundations of linguistic methodologies and provides an overview of different methods (experimental, observational) and their fields of application. The practical allows students to gain hands-on experience with several procedures for collecting, processing, describing, or analyzing data. This may include, for example, procedures for creating linguistic corpora, procedures for statistical data analysis, or field research methods. In the latter case, practice may take the form of a field research excursion. In the seminar, selected methodological approaches to a certain subject area of linguistics or methods of a certain type (e.g. online methods) are dealt with in depth and critically reflected upon. This requires handling original empirical work and can lead to an independent execution of an empirical study.

Learning outcomes

Students will be able to critically classify and evaluate empirical research results. Through the guided reception of original empirical work, they will have trained their scientific discourse skills. The students will have an understanding of the limitations of scientific statements and the need for their continuous development. They will also possess practical skills in empirical research methods in linguistics. Through the independent application of linguistic methods, they will have also acquired problem-solving skills and further developed the ability to work independently.