Volume on early modern marriages published
Volume on early modern marriages published
A volume on marriages in the early modern period has been published in the Käte Hamburger Kolleg's publication series. Using the county of Lippe as an example, Iris Fleßenkämper examines how people dealt with the variety of regulatory options in an area of life that was fundamental to the maintenance of family and social order.
In the early modern period, the question of how marriage was legally effective was extremely controversial. In contrast to today's civil marriage, there was no single legal act that determined the point at which a marriage was valid. Rather, many different, even contradictory and ambiguous norms could come into effect at the time of marriage: written as well as unwritten, religious as well as secular, norms issued by the sovereign or the city. Depending on the normative basis, either the vows of the bride and groom, the coitus, the consent of the parents, the exchange of gifts, the shared meal or the church wedding ceremony determined the legality of the marriage
The series
The series “Einheit & Vielfalt im Recht | Legal Unity & Pluralism” is edited by the directors of the Käte Hamburger Kolleg Ulrike Ludwig and Peter Oestmann and is published by Böhlau Verlag. It conceptualises legal pluralism as a structural characteristic of law itself. We can therefore speak of a relational and historically changeable association between unity and pluralism in law. The series intends to comprehensively illuminate these connections in their cultural polymorphy interdisciplinarily, transspatially and interepochally. The volumes are published in German and English and are predominantly open-access.
Bibliographic data
Iris Fleßenkämper: Drum prüfet, was euch ewig bindet. Ambiguitäten der Eheschließung in der frühneuzeitlichen Grafschaft Lippe, 2024, 625 Seiten, gebunden (Einheit & Vielfalt im Recht / Legal Unity & Pluralism, Bd. 2), Böhlau, Druckausgabe: ISBN: 978-3-412-53016-7, Preis 90,00 EUR; E-Book: ISBN: 978-3-412-53017-4, Open-Access.