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Kolleg addresses history of freedom on the "MS Wissenschaft"

The Käte Hamburger Kolleg is participating in this year's exhibition on the "MS Wissenschaft" with a self-developed exhibit. Tomorrow (14 May), the exhibition ship of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research will be officially opened in Berlin and will then drop anchor in around 30 cities in Germany and Austria. On board, everything revolves around freedom, the theme of the Year of Science 2024.

On tour through Germany and Austria from May: the MS Wissenschaft
© Retusche: Ralitsa Kirova / Wissenschaft im Dialog, CC BY-SA 4.0

Visitors can test their knowledge of the history of freedom in the interactive quiz "Freedom in Transition" developed by the directors, science communication and research associates of the Kolleg. The questions focus on German history from the Middle Ages to the recent past and address very different aspects of freedom, for example, the demand for the abolition of serfdom in the Peasants' War of 1525, the famous 19th century protest song "Die Gedanken sind frei" ("Thoughts are free") and legal advances in women's self-determination since the 1950s. It shows that what freedom means and who benefits from it has changed again and again over the course of history.

From 18 to 22 July, the MS Wissenschaft will also dock in Münster's city harbour. During this time, the Kolleg is planning accompanying events on the deck of the ship. Admission to the events and the exhibition is free of charge.

Please find further information on the MS Wissenschaft website.


© Ilja C. Hendel / Wissenschaft im Dialog, CC BY-NC 4.0