Summer School on social diversity and law

The first "EViR Summer School" from 24 to 28 July 2023 will deal with the complex relationship between law and social diversity in the early modern period. Advanced undergraduate and graduate students will discuss together with renowned experts whether social diversity also led to legal plurality, and how categories of difference became inscribed in law and legal practice. Besides dealing jointly with relevant research concepts as well as sources from different regional contexts, participants will also be able to present their own research projects.
In order to capture as broad a spectrum of social diversity as possible, the Summer School will focus each day on a particular category of difference, such as status, gender, religion, or body/disability. “Deliberations always begin with the question of the consequences for people living together”, explain the organisers Prof. Dr. Ulrike Ludwig and Dr. Benjamin Seebröker. “For example, did the codification of categories of difference in official norms compel people to clarify affiliations? How were ambiguities dealt with in court? And were different categories important in different spheres of life?”