CiM-IMPRS podcast: Scientific Life
How to apply for Post-Doc positions (suggestions from our PIs): ask the coordinator for a copy
Books to borrow
CiM-IMPRS students can borrow these books for up to four weeks (extension possible provided nobody else has reserved a book). Please take the books from our office or ask us to take them to the next progress report. If you want to reserve a book or have suggestions for new books please send us an e-mail.
Title Author Publisher Language borrowed by return by European Biotechnology Science & Industry Guide 2019 Andreas Mietzsch BIOCOM AG English 21st Guide to German Biotech Companies Andreas Mietzsch BIOCOM AG English 300 Fragen zur Bewerbung Christine Öttl / Gitte Härter GU Gräfe und Unzer German Bewerben als Akademiker Judith Engst Dudenverlag German Handbuch schriftliche Bewerbung Jürgen Hesse / Hans Christian Schrader Eichborn Verlag German Erfolgreich promovieren Stock / Schneider / Peper / Molitor Springer-Verlag German Scientific English für Mediziner und Naturwissenschaftler Dr. med Christian Hrdina / Robert Hrdina Langenscheidt Fachverlag English / German Writing Scientific English, A Workbook Tim Skern Facultas wuv UTB English borrowed by Tu Nguyen 31 March 2020 Developmental Biology Scott F. Gilbert Palgrave Macmillan English Handbook of Biological Confocal Microscopy James Pawley Springer Verlag English Essentials of Stem Cell Biology R. Lanza et al. Academic Press English Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual, Third Edition (3 Volumes) Joseph Sambrook, David Russel (Maniatis) CSHL Press English Theory and Practice of Histological Techniques John D. Bancroft and Marilyn Gamble Churchill Livingstone Elsevier English Studium, Forschung, Lehre im Ausland: Förderungsmöglichkeiten für Deutsche (Research abroad for Germans) DAAD German In Forschung und Lehre professionell agieren Lioba Werth and Klaus Sedlbauer Deutscher Hochschulverband German Janeway's Immunobiology Kenneth Murphy Garland Science English VBio Perspektiven, Berufsbilder von und für Biologen, Biowissenschaftler und andere Naturwissenschaftler Verband Biologie, Biowissenschaften und Biomedizin in Deutschland e.V. German Guide to German Biotech Companies 2012 BIOCOM English Career Planning for Research Bioscientists Sarah Blackford Wiley-Blackwell English What color is your parachute? A practical manual for job-hunters and career-changers Richard N. Bolles Ten Speed Press English Promotion Postdoc Professur
Karriereplanung in der WissenschaftMirjam Müller Campus Verlag German GGL Career Guide: Your Way into Life Science Professions GGL Giessen GGL Giessen English Useful links
Career and job search
- (German) / (English)
- Biologenkompass - Career Options for Biologists
- Biotech Companies in NRW ("Spot on" brochure on NRW Bio Website)
- Biotech in Germany
- Career Advancement for Women in the Max Planck Society
- Guide to Life Science Careers (at Nature Education)
- NatureJobs
- Positions at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine, Münster (including PhD positions)
- Positions at the University of Münster
- Positions at the University Hospital Münster
- The Open University (How to apply for jobs in academia / Also have a look at the other career topics on this site!)
Funding opportunities
- Daimler und Benz Stiftung (Post-Doc fellowships)
- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) Förderung
- European Union
- Fritz Thyssen Stiftung
- Fulbright Program (US-German)
- Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP)
- IP@WWU Going abroad during your PhD: If CiM-IMPRS can't pay for it, try the university's
- Leopoldina (National Academy of Sciences)
- Safir WWU-Servicestelle Antragsberatung zu Forschungsförderungsprogrammen aus nationalen und internationalen Ressourcen. Website in German only.
- scholarshipportal
- Volkswagenstiftung
- Welcome Trust
- Postdoctoral Funding Opportunities