© GSM Team 2024

Welcome to the 18th INTERNATIONAL CiM-IMPRS GRADUATE SCHOOL MEETING - Beyond the Cell: Unraveling Life - 

9 - 11 October, 2024

We are delighted to announce this year’s International CiM-IMPRS Graduate School Meeting organized by the CiM-IMPRS Graduate School. Embracing diverse disciplines within the life sciences, this symposium promises illuminating in-person talks from leading experts on their cutting-edge research. Doctoral students will have the exciting opportunity to showcase their own work through posters and presentations.

Participants can look forward to a varied program, featuring career talks that offer valuable insights into potential career paths, networking opportunities, and panel discussions.

We encourage you to share this invitation with anyone who might be interested. We eagerly anticipate an inspiring and enlightening event, as we unravel the mysteries of life!

© Uni MS/Peter Grewer

Programme & speakers

The meeting will include talks from invited guest speakers and young investigators spanning the fields of cell biology, biochemistry, biophysics and bioinformatics. The students of the graduate school will also be presenting posters during the three day meeting.

© Uni MS/Peter Grewer


We look forward to meeting you at the conference – registration is open!
If you have any questions please contact gsm2024@mpi-muenster.mpg.de
Please note: Registered persons can still apply for a "Poster presentation" and/or a
"Young investigator talk".