Philip Röhe

Ph.D. Student

© Gast


PharmaCampus der Universität Münster
Institut für Pharmazeutische und Medizinische Chemie
Corrensstraße 48
48149 Münster

Tel.: +49 (0)251 83-32206
Raum: A.110.106


Current Research Topic:

Bacterial whole cell biocatalysts displaying enzymes for the degradation of biomass


  • 5. Semester Biochemie


  • Röhe P, Furtmann C, Lenz F, Jose J (2024) Autodisplay-Toolbox: a plasmid library for simple surface display of recombinant proteins and its optimization. GCSB2024 - German Conference on Synthetic Biology 2024, Regensburg, 18.-20.09.2024
  • Röhe P, Furtmann C, Lenz F, Jose J (2022) Surface display of a β-glucosidase based on EhaA autotransporter variants to improve the activity of E. coli whole cell biocatalysts, GASB 6 Conference, Würzburg, 21.-23.09.2022
  • Röhe P, Furtmann C, Lenz F and Jose J (2022), Improving the enzymatic activity of an E. coli whole cell biocatalyst displaying a β-glucosidase. Summer School Biotransformations 2022, Bad Herrenalb, 15.-18.08.2022