Magdalena Wojciechowski

Ph.D. Student

© Tozakidis


PharmaCampus der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster
Institut für Pharmazeutische und Medizinische Chemie
Corrensstraße 48
48149 Münster

Tel.: +49 (0)251 83-32207
Raum: A.110.105


Current Research Topic:

Development of a ligand binding assay based on flow cytometry and surface displayed HCN4-CNBD


  • 2. Semester: Quantitative Bestimmung von Arznei-, Hilfs- und Schadstoffen


  • Wojciechowski MN, Schreiber S, Jose J (2023) A Novel Flow Cytometry-Based Assay for the Identification of HCN4 CNBD Ligands, Pharmaceuticals, 16:710., IF: 5.215
  • Wojciechowski MN, Schreiber S, Jose J (2023) Focus on HCN4 channels: novel flow-cytometry and autodisplay based ligand screening approach. DPhG Jahrestagung 2023, Tübingen, 07.-10.10.2023
  • Wojciechowski MN, Schreiber S, Jose J (2023) A novel autodisplay and flow-cytometry based screening method for identification of HCN4 CNBD ligands. RICT2023 - 57th International Conference on Medicinal Chemistry, Lille, 05.-07.07.2023
  • Wojciechowski MN, Maskri S, Koch O, Jose J (2022) Mutational analysis of the surface displayed HCN4-C-Linker-CNBD: a flow cytometry based ligand binding approach. GP2A 2022, Dublin, 24.-26.08.2022
  • Wojciechowski MN, Jose J (2022) Surface display of the HCN4 C-Linker-CNB domain: a flow cytometry based ligand sreening approach. ChemBion Symposium 2022, virtual Meeting, 08.02.2022
  • Wojciechowski MN, Jose J (2021) Searching for ligands: binding assay with surface displayed HCN4-CNBD. ChemBion Symposium 2021, virtual Meeting, 09.02.2021

Oral Presentations:

  • Wojciechowski MN, Maskri S, Koch O, Jose J (2022) Mutational analysis of the surface displayed HCN4-C-Linker-CNBD: a flow cytometry based ligand binding approach. GP2A 2022, Dublin, 24.-26.08.2022
    Best Presentation by a PhD Student


Member of the Research Training Group Chembion