Hanna Kuß

Ph.D. Student

© Kuss





PharmaCampus der Universität Münster
Institut für Pharmazeutische und Medizinische Chemie
Corrensstraße 48
48149 Münster

Tel.: +49 (0)251 83-32203
Raum: A.110.108


Current Research Topic:

  • Development of a flow cytometry-based screening assay to identify ligands binding to the CNBD of HCN1-3.


  • 2. Semester: Quantitative Bestimmung von Arznei-, Hilfs- und Schadstoffen


  • Kliche J, Simonetti L, Krystkowiak I, Kuss H, Diallo M, Rask E, Nilsson J, Davey NE, Ivarsson Y (2024) Proteome-scale characterisation of motif-based interactome rewiring by disease mutations. Mol Syst Biol, doi: 10.1038/s44320-024-00055-4
  • Kliche J, Kuss H, Ali M, Ivarsson Y (2021) Cytoplasmic short linear motifs in ACE2 and integrin β3 link SARS-CoV-2 host cell receptors to mediators of endocytosis and autophagy. Sci Signal, 14(665), 2021.
    doi: 10.1126/scisignal.abf1117


  • Kuss H, Wojciechowski M, Jose J (2024) Autodisplay of HCN C-Linker-CNBD for the identification of cAMP-competitive ligands and characterization of cAMP-binding to the CNBD. 9th Annual Biophysical Society of Canada Meeting, Montreal, 21.05.-24.05.2024
  • Kuss H, Wojciechowski M, Jose J (2024) Development of a flow cytometry-based screening assay for the identification of HCN1-CNBD interacting ligands. 5th Chembion Symposium, Münster, 16.02.2024
  • Kuss H, Wojciechowski M, Jose J (2023) Identifying cAMP-competitive HCN4 modulators using an Autodisplay screening assay. 4th ChemBion Symposium 2023, Münster, 14.02.2023


Member of the Research Training Group Chembion