Participation in “Cells in Motion”
- Research interests: mathematical modelling in the life-sciences, especially developmental systems, cell motility, chemotaxis, durotaxis, regeneration, and phase separation phenomena; infectious diseases, epidemiology and population dynamics; nonlinear partial differential equations and pattern formation; interacting particle systems and limiting descriptions
- Member of the Research and Careers Committee
- Supervisor in the CiM-IMPRS Graduate Programme
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Papers in the research focus “cell dynamics and imaging”
Mori Y, Perthame B, Stevens A. Dynamics of Physiological Control Contributions in Honor of Michael C Mackey Lecture Notes on Mathematical Modelling in the Life Sciences (LMML). Springer 2025: In press. 2024
Budde I, Schlichting A, Ing D, Schimmelpfennig S, Kuntze A, Fels B, Romac JM-J, Swain SM, Liddle RA, Stevens A, Schwab A, Petho Z. Piezo1-induced durotaxis of pancreatic stellate cells depends on TRPC1 and TRPV4 channels. bioRxiv 2024Abstract 2023
Luckhaus S, Stevens A. A two level contagion process and its deterministic McKendrick limit with relevance for the Covid epidemic. Em 2023;38Abstract Luckhaus S, Stevens A. A free boundary problem-in time-for the spread of Covid-19. J Math Biol 2023;86: 45. Abstract Luckhaus S, Stevens A. Kermack and McKendrick models on a two-scale network and connections to the Boltzmann equations. Lecture Notes in Mathematics 2313, Mathematics Going Forward, eds. Morel and Teissier 2023: 399-408. Abstract 2021
Scheel A, Stevens A. Regeneration of Tissue: Lessons Learned from Flatworms. SIAM News Online. Research. 2021Abstract Scheel A, Stevens A, Tenbrock C. Signaling gradients in surface dynamics as basis for planarian regeneration. J Math Biol 2021;83: 6. Abstract 2019
Kang K, Scheel A, Stevens A. Global phase diagrams of run-and-tumble dynamics: equidistribution, waves, and blowup. Nonlinearity 2019;32: 2128-2146. Abstract 2018
Burger M, Francesco MD, Fagioli S, Stevens A. Sorting Phenomena in a Mathematical Model For Two Mutually Attracting/Repelling Species. SIAM J. Math. Anal. 2018;50: 3210-3250. Abstract 2017
Scheel A, Stevens A. Wavenumber selection in coupled transport equations. J Math Biol 2017;75: 1047-1073. Abstract Stevens A. Mathematics and the Life-Sciences: A Personal Point of View. Jahresber. Dtsch. Math. Ver. 2017;119: 143-168. Abstract