CiM-IMPRS Graduate Program
In our graduate programme, around 100 junior scientists from biology, chemistry, mathematics, computer science and physics, and from more than 20 nations, are currently doing their doctorates. They carry out research in the field of molecular and cellular dynamics with a strong emphasis on imaging technologies, and they jointly complete a training programme in which they can systematically develop subject-specific skills and gain key interdisciplinary qualifications.
Our doctoral researchers are part of a highly interdisciplinary research network: High-profile laboratories from five faculties of the University of Münster and the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine in Münster (MPI) jointly shape our graduate programme.
This cooperation is also reflected in our name, CiM-IMPRS: “CiM” stands for the Cells in Motion Interfaculty Centre in which more than 90 research groups from the life sciences and natural sciences as well as mathematics and computer science join forces. They work together in the interdisciplinary field “cell dynamics and imaging”, which is a research focus at the University of Münster. “IMPRS” stands for the “International Max Planck Research School” of the MPI, whose research focus is on molecular biomedicine.