Picture of people serving themselves at a buffet with sandwiches and fruit
© CiM

Brown-Bag Lunch

Interdisciplinary biomedical research – for junior researchers by junior researchers

In an informal atmosphere, junior researchers from medicine, biology, chemistry, mathematics and computer science present their latest projects and exchange ideas on diverse aspects of interdisciplinary biomedical research in Münster while having sandwiches and fruit. The "brown-bag" – the bag used for a packed lunch – stands as a symbol for this lunchtime meeting. A relaxed opportunity for lively discussions, inspiring impulses and new contacts in a spectrum ranging from basic research to clinical applications. Our meetings involve, for example, speakers and guests from the Clinician Scientist Programme CareerS and the Medical Scientist Programme InFlame, as well as researchers from CiM pilot projects.

Topics and Dates

Every two weeks on Thursdays 12:00 to 13:00
Venue: University Hospital (central clinic), level 05 East, conference room 403

Each meeting usually includes two lectures – one from the natural sciences and one from medicine. Everybody interested is welcome to come! If you would like to use the chance to present your work in a friendly atmosphere, feel free to get in touch.13.06

  • Poster (PDF) – Please print and display it in your institutes and clinics!
Date Topics and speakers
  • Unbiased flow cytometry approach reveals unexpected role for NK cells in MS disease progression
    Lisa Revie (clincian scientist), Department of Neurology and Institute of Translational Neurology

Discussion chair: David Ventura

Easter break
  • Extracellular vesicles as potential liquid-biopsy based biomarkers in non-small cell lung cancer
    Marcel Kemper (clinician scientist), Department of Medicine A - Hematology and Oncology
  • Staphylococcus borealis – a novel uropathogen?
    Bianca Schwartbeck (clinician scientist), Institute for Medical Microbiology

Discussion chair: Sri Kunam

  • S100A8/S100A9 proteins and their immunomodulatory function in EAE
    Sandra Bachg (medical scientist), Insitute for Immunology

Discussion chair: Selina Hansen

26.06.2025 to be announced
10.07.2025 to be announced
Summer break
04.09.2025 to be announced
18.09.2025 to be announced
02.10.2025 to be announced
Autumn break
30.10.2025 to be announced
13.11.2025 to be announced
27.11.2025 to be announced
11.12.2025 to be announced
  • Previous topics and dates

    Date Topics and speakers
    • Targeting truncated procalcitonin modulates sepsis immune response
      Katharina Hellenthal (clinician scientist), Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care
    • Antiviral properties of human interferon-alpha subtypes against respiratory viruses
      Sriram Kumar (medical scientist), Institute of Virology

    Discussion chair: Bianca Schwartbeck

    • Biomarker-guided renal replacement therapy in critically ill patients with acute kidney injury – a step towards individualised medicine?
      Thilo von Groote (clinian scientist), Department of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care and Pain Medicine
    • Transcriptional alterations in testicular tissues of patients carrying loss of function variants in meiosis-related genes
      Linda Ebbert (MSc), Centre of Reproductive Medicine and Andrology

    Discussion chair: Valérie Krauth

    • Identification and characterization of new substances for the treatment mantle cell lymphoma
      Lina Kolloch (clinician scientist), Department of Medicine A
    • Understanding immune cell dynamics and host-pathogen interactions in gut-associated lymphoid tissue during Yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection
      Samriti Sharma (medical scientist), Institute for Infectiology

    Discussion Chair: Maximilian Brol

    • Understanding tumor development by studying clonal evolution - Data and analyses in biomedical informatics
      Sarah Sandmann (Working Group Biomedical Informatics), Institute of Medical Informatics
    • Using biomarkers for prediction of kidney trajectories – a look into the future
      Hendrik Booke (clinician scientist), Department of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care and Pain Medicine
    • Hijacking cerebral blood vessels – Therapy-induced transcriptomic reprogramming of glioma cells
      Nadine Bauer (medical scientist), European Institute for Molecular Imaging

    Discussion chair: Imke Karsten

    • Impact of Interferon Regulatory Factor 8 (IRF8) and alarmins S100A8/A9 on neutrophil function in systemic inflammation
      Laura Jäckel (clinician scientist), Department of Medicine D, UKM
    • LC-MS based analysis of the immune response on metabolome level
      Andrea Gerdemann (food chemist), Institute of Food Chemistry, University of Münster

    Discussion chair: Christian Porschen

    28.11.2024 Career talk: Linking ‘clinician scientists’ career stages to specific funding instruments – what at what time?
    Thomas Pap (clinician scientist), Institute of Musculoskeletal Medicine, University of Münster
    • Cellular and molecular mechanisms of artery growth
      Mara Pitulescu, Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine, Münster
    • The role of Csk in endothelial barrier stability
      Rebekka Stegmeyer

    Discussion chair: Christian Porschen

    • Investigation of integrin D2 knockdown in osteoblastic differentiation and its impact on cell-matrix-interaction, intracellular signalling and cellular differentiation during bone regeneration,
      Michael Hülskamp (clinician scientist), Department of Trauma, Hand and Reconstructive Surgery, UKM
    • Fertility preservation in boys: a study on spermatogonial stem cells and their potential following gonadotoxic treatment
      Vesna Bojovic (biologist), Centre of Reproductive Medicine and Andrology (CeRA), UKM

    Discussion chair: Anna Kuntze

    • Effect of ferroptotic components on lymphoma cells and tumor microenvironment
      Imke Karsten (clinician scientist), Department of Medicine A, UKM
    • The role of RSK kinase isoforms during respiratory viral infections
      André Schreiber (biologist), Institute of Molecular Virology, University of Münster
    • Interplay of viral hepatitides and LSECs in inflammation cascades
      Jannik Sonnenberg (clinician scientist), Department of Medicine B, UKM
    • Diffusion is not confusion – diffusionsweighted MRI in (pre-)clinical research
      Bastian Maus (biologist), Translational Research Imaging Center, UKM
    22.08.2024 Career talk: (Getting to know) the funding landscape for junior scientists
    Stefan Boese, SerWiM, Faculty of Medicine, University of Münster
    • Modelling sepsis-associated acute kidney injury in kidney organoids
      Amelie Menke (clinician scientist), Department of Medicine D
    • The role of RSK kinase isoforms during respiratory viral infections
      André Schreiber (biologist), Institute of Molecular Virology

    Discussion chaired by Marcel Kemper

    • Hyperphosphatemia induced extracellular vesicles as mediators in endothelial inflammation
      Göran Boeckel (clinician scientist), Department of Medicine D, UKM
    • Gender dysphoria and transition in adolescents: neurobiological perspectives
      Linda Bonnekoh (clinician scientist), Institute for Translational Psychiatry, UKM
    13.06.2024 Career talk: How to write a (bio)medical research grant
    Petra Dersch (medical scientist), Institute of Infectiology, University of Münster
    • Characterization of epidermal stem cell populations for the treatment of hereditary and acquired skin and soft tissue defects
      Kai Wessel (clinician scientist), Department of Plastic Surgery, UKM
    • Immune changes in major depressive disorder
      Anna-Lena Boller (biologist), Department of Mental Health, Neuroimmunology, UKM

    Discussion chaired by Katharina Thomas

    • Syndecan- 1 and fibroblast activity in the tumor microenvironment of breast cancer
      Ariana Plasger (clinician scientist), Department of Gynecology and Obstetricsm, UKM
    • Neutrophil diversity as a novel biomarker in myocardial infarction
      Mathis Richter (biologist), Institute for Experimental Pathology, University of Münster

    Discussion chaired by David Schafflick

    • A complex bacterial long-term relationship in inflamed airways - Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa in chronic mucopurulent airway disease
      Felix Dach (clinician scientist), Department of General Pediatrics

    Discussion chaired by Rebekka Stegmeyer

    • Immune evasive mechanisms of an autoimmunogenic gut pathobiont
      Nathalie Becker (clinician scientist), Department of Medicine D

    Discussion chaired by Paul Konken

    • Wielding the double-edged sword of tumor associated macrophages
      Andrew Berdel (clinician scientist), Department of Medicine A
    • Heterogeneous responses of tissue-resident macrophages during efferocytosis
      Irene Aranda Pardos (biologist), Institute of Immunology

    Discussion chaired by Andre Schreiber

    • Assessment of the translational potential of Musashi RNA-binding protein inhibition in triple-negative breast cancer
      Fabian Troschel (clinician scientist), Department of Radiation Oncology
    • Tracking structural changes to muscle motors via X-ray diffraction
      Michel Kühn (sports scientist), Institute of Physiology II

    Discussion chaired by Göran Böckel

    • Targeting truncated procalcitonin modulates sepsis immune response
      Katharina Hellenthal (clinician scientist), Department of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care and Pain Medicine
    • Investigation of CAR-T cell-mediated neurotoxicity: Exploring the pathophysiological role of the inflammatory secretome, microglia and characterization of a prospective patient cohort treated with CAR-T cells in Münster – first steps towards taming the beast?
      Caro Krekeler (clinician scientist), Department of Hematology and Oncology

    Discussion chaired by Yvonne Kusche

    • Elemental and molecular characterization of liver cancer by chemical bioimaging
      Katharina Kronenberg (chemist), Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry
    • Altered T cell responses in NMOSD – implications for pathogenesis and identification of prognostic signatures
      Lisa Lohmann (clinician scientist), Department of Neurology with Institute of Translational Neurology

    Discussion chaired by Christian Rüter

    • Familial spermatogenic failure – one family one cause?
      Sophie Koser (clinician scientist), Institute of Reproductive Genetics
    • Data-driven clustering and analysis of inflammatory dynamics using artificial intelligence
      Jan Ernsting (computer scientist), Institute for Geoinformatics

    Discussion chaired by: Noelia Alonso Gonzalez

    • Function and regulation of type 6 secretion systems in Y. pseudotuberculosis
      Ann-Sophie Herbrüggen (biologist), Institute of Infectiology
    • Digital health and artificial intelligence in the intensive care unit
      Christian Porschen (clinician scientist), Department of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care and Pain Medicine

    Discussion chaired by: Benjamin Risse

    • Dietary treatment of mice for antioxidant lipid replacement using deuterated polyunsaturated fatty acids
      Julian Zimmermann (clinician scientist), Department of Ophthalmology
    • Synthesis and labeling strategies of mRNA for monitoring inflammatory processes
      Amarnath Bollu (chemist), Institute for Biochemistry

    Discussion chaired by: Robert Schierwagen

    • Role of the Raf/Mek/Erk/Rsk pathway for viral infections and associated immune responses
      André Schreiber (biologist), Institute of Molecular Virology
    • Targeting liver fibrosis and inflammation in preclinical models of (N)ASH
      Maximilian Brol (clinician scientist), Department of Medicine B

    Discussion chaired by: Gerd Meyer zu Hörste

    • Functional role of different BAF complexes in synovial sarcoma proliferation and differentiation
      Anna Kuntze (clinician scientist), Gerhard-Domagk-Institute for Pathology
    • Characterization of bacterial virulence factors and pathogen-triggered inflammatory and immune reactions involved in gastrointestinal infections
      Samriti Sharma (biologist), Institute of Infectiology

    Discussion chaired by: Wolfgang Hartmann

    • Specific radiolabeling of immune cells utilizing artificial derivatives of sialic acid and tetrazine ligation
      Christian Paul Konken (radiochemist), European Institute for Molecular Imaging (EIMI), Department of Nuclear Medicine
    • Neutrophils in portal hypertension
      Sara Reinartz Groba (clinician scientist), Department of Medicine B

    Discussion chaired by: Fabian Troschel

    • Exertion: A clinical pilot trial on the effects of an aerobic, smartwatch-controlled exercise training on stroke recovery after ischemic stroke – effects on motor function, structural repair, cognition, mental well-being, and the immune system
      Frederike Straeten (clinician scientist), Department of Neurology with Institute of Translational Neurology
    • Immunomodulatory effects of S100A8 and S100A9 proteins in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in mice
      Sandra Bachg (biologist), Institute for Immunology

    Discussion chaired by: Jan Ehrchen

    • Understanding the immune system in CNS border compartments and its impact on neurological diseases
      David Schafflick (biotechnologist), Department of Neurology with Institute of Translational Neurology
    • The role of hyperphosphatemia in endothelial inflammation
      Göran Boeckel (clinician scientist), Department of Medicine D

    Discussion chaired by: Timo Wirth


    Plasticity of the leukocyte transmigration route in different tissues
    Min Xia (biomedical scientist), Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine

    Discussion chaired by: Petra Dersch

    • The influence of the suspensory apparatus of the medial meniscus on knee kinematics and meniscal movement – biomechanical investigations
      Adrian Deichsel (clinician scientist), Department of Trauma, Hand and Reconstructive Surgery
    • M1AP – a novel human ZZS complex protein?
      Nadja Rotte (biologist), Institute of Reproductive Genetics
    • Discussion chaired by: Felix Gunawan
    • Exploring neuroinflammatory properties of tumor cell-derived extracellular vesicles that promote brain metastasis in lung cancer
      Marcel Kemper (clinician scientist), Department of Medicine A
    • Csk regulates neutrophil transmigration via cortactin
      Rebekka Stegmeyer (biomedical scientist), Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine
    • Discussion chaired by: Christian Rüter
    • Biomarker-based precision medicine for acute kidney injury in critically ill patients – moving from bench to bedside
      Thilo von Groote (clinician scientist), Department of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care and Pain Medicine
    • Glucocorticoids and their influence on monocytes phagocytosis
      Yvonne Kusche (biologist), Department of Dermatology
    • Discussion chaired by: Michael Schäfers
    14.07.2022 Reconstruction of the hair follicle stem cell niche
    Leah Biggs, biologist, Department of Cell and Tissue Dynamics, MPI Münster
    The role of site-specific ubiquitination of the Influenza A virus polymerase
    Franziska Günl, biologist, Institute of Molecular Virology
    30.06.2022 Understanding heart valve formation at single cell level: lessons from zebrafish
    Felix Gunawan, biologist, Institute of Cell Biology
    23.06.2022 Adaptability of primordial germ cell migration in different environments in vivo
    Łukasz Truszkowski, biologist, Institute of Cell Biology
    09.06.2022 Dynamic exchange at the plasma membrane
    CRC 1348 international hybrid symposium
    02.06.2022 Visual analysis of medical data
    Adrian Derstroff, computer scientist, Institute of Computer Science
    Simon Leistikow, computer scientist, Institute of Computer Science
    Hennes Rave, computer scientist, Institute of Computer Science
    17.02.2022 Dissecting mechanical forces exerted by the trophoblast during embryo implantation
    Niraimathi Govindasamy, biologist, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Biomedicine
    Bart Eduard Vos, physicist, Institute of Cell Biology
    10.02.2022 Cholesterol analogues to study sperm membrane dynamics
    Michelina Kierzek, biologist, Centre of Reproductive Medicine and Andrology
    Anna Livia Linard Matos, biologist, Center for Molecular Biology of Inflammation (ZMBE)
    Tristan Wegner, chemist, Institute of Organic Chemistry
    03.02.2022 Spatially organized early endosome exocytosis aids endothelial membrane repair
    Nikita Raj, biologist, Institute of Medical Biochemistry
    27.01.2022 Genetic causes of male infertility
    Corinna Friedrich, biologist, Institute of Reproductive Genetics
    20.01.2022 Cellular OptoMechanics: Evaluation and 3D application of a novel approach to investigate molecular mechanics in cells
    Tanmay Sadhanasatish, physicist, Institute of Molecular Cell Biology
    Giuseppe Trapani, chemist, Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine
    16.12.2021 Fat matters - neuronal lipid metabolism
    Anna Ziegler, biologist, Institute for Neuro- and Behavioural Biology
    09.12.2021 Clickable histidine-rich tags for small molecule SPECT tracers
    Martin Grewer, chemist, Institute of Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry
    Simon Tobias Steiner, chemist, European Institute for Molecular Imaging (EIMI)
    02.12.2021 Understanding the biological basis of mental illness through stem cell technology and functional genomics
    Michael Ziller, computer scientist, Lab for Functional Genomics
    25.11.2021 Quantitative analysis of GLUT4 membrane clustering in cardiomyocytes
    Lisa Fischer, biologist, Institute of Molecular Cell Biology
    Silke Morris, biologist, Institute of Molecular Cell Biology
    18.11.2021 Endocytic vacuole formation by WASH-mediated endocytosis
    Pia Brinkert, biologist, Institute of Cellular Virology
    11.11.2021 Heparan sulfate proteoglycan Syndecan-1 role in the radiation resistance of breast cancer
    Nourhan Hassan, biologist, Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics
    28.10.2021 Neutrophils and neutrophil extracellular traps: novel insights
    Luise Erpenbeck, physician, Department of Dermatology
    21.10.2021 C/EBPδ-induced epigenetic changes control the expression of S100A8 and S100A9
    Saskia Jauch, biologist, Institute of Immunology
    08.07.2021 Formyl peptide receptors: a valuable diagnostic tool for visualization of inflammation?
    Sebastian Maximilian Schloer, biologist, Institute of Medical Biochemistry
    Karen Olejua Torres, pharmacist, Institute of Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry
    01.07.2021 Discover the invisible: next generation single-photon detectors for cell imaging
    Linda Groeneweg, biologist, Institute of Immunology
    Jonas Schütte, physicist, Center for Soft Nanoscience
    Martin Wolff, physicist, Center for Soft Nanoscience
    24.06.2021 A genome-wide screen uncovers a new player in cellular fat storage
    Marie Hugenroth, biologist, Institute of Cell Dynamics and Imaging
    17.06.2021 Neutrophil phenotype is shaped by organ-specific nutritional signals
    Raphael Chevre, biologist, Institute of Experimental Pathology
    10.06.2021 How T cells control venous blood clot degradation
    Christian Georg Becker, biologist, Department of Dermatology
    20.05.2021 Structural cell biology in the era of cryoEM
    Christos Gatsogiannis, biologist, Center for Soft Nanoscience and Institute of Molecular Physics and Biophysics
    06.05.2021 A novel and automatic imaging and tracking approach for sperm motility analysis
    Lars Haalck, computer scientist, Computer Science Department
    Matthias Kiel, biologist, Computer Science Department
    29.04.2021 Deciphering myeloid contributions to connective tissue disorders and autoimmunity
    Verena Raker, biologist, Department of Dermatology
    22.04.2021 Multiscale molecular imaging with gene reporter systems
    Dominic Depke, biologist, European Institute for Molecular Imaging
    15.04.2021 Metabolic control of dendrite morphogenesis
    Marco Marzano, biotechnologist, Institute for Neurobiology and Behavioural Biology
    04.02.2021 The role of tetraspanner proteins in yeast plasma membrane organization
    Daniel Haase, biologist, Institute of Cell Dynamics and Imaging
    28.01.2021 Regulation of planar cell polarity in endothelial cells by mechanical strain
    Lieke Golbach, biologist, Institute of Cell Biology
    21.01.2021 Modulation of host defense processes by Yersinia
    Petra Dersch, biologist, Institute of Infectiology
    10.12.2020 Deep characterization of CNS-specific Th17-B cell interactions in EAE
    Maike Hartlehnert, biologist, Department of Neurology
    03.12.2020 Morphogenesis of the trophoblast lineage during blastocyst to egg cylinder transition
    Hatice Özge Özgüldez, bioengineer, Embryonic Self-Organization Lab
    26.11.2020 Neutralizing extracellular histones blunts inflammation
    Carlos Silvestre-Roig, biologist, Institute for Cardiovascular Prevention (Munich)
    19.11.2020 Glycolytically impaired glia mobilize lipids to maintain brain function
    Helen Hertenstein, biologist, Institute for Neurobiology and Behavioural Biology
    12.11.2020 Membrane stress induces T6SS-activity in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
    Anne-Sophie Stolle, biologist, Institute of Infectiology
    05.11.2020 How the microbiota impinge on immune tolerance
    Martin Kriegel, physician, Institute for Musculoskeletal Medicine, Section of Translational Rheumatology
    29.10.2020 Pressure-driven dynamics of the onset of invasion in 3D cancer spheroids
    Swetha Raghuraman, biologist, Institute of Cell Biology
    22.10.2020 Dynamic remodeling of cell vertices in the Drosophila follicle epithelium
    Jone Isasti Sanchez, biotechnologist, Institute for Neurobiology and Behavioural Biology
    09.07.2020 Novel PET-tracer for tumor imaging – continuing the CD73-story
    Clemens Dobelmann, chemist, European Institute for Molecular Imaging
    02.07.2020 Multimodal imaging of modulated neuroinflammatory response after experimental stroke
    Cristina Barca, chemist, European Institute for Molecular Imaging
    20.02.2020 In vivo imaging of immune cell-endothelium interactions in the brain
    Lisa Zondler, biologist, Department of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care and Pain Medicine
    13.02.2020 Regulation of small GTPases in physiology and pathology
    Daniel Kümmel, biochemist, Institute of Biochemistry
    06.02.2020 The role of RNases of Yersinia for the infection process
    Ines Vollmer, microbiologist, Institute of Infectiology
    30.01.2020 Regulation of testicular cell gene expression in fertile and infertile patients
    Sara Di Persio, biologist, Centre of Reproductive Medicine and Andrology (CeRA)
    23.01.2020 Controling bacterial communities using photoswitchable bacteria-bacteria adhesions
    Fei Chen, chemist, Institute for Physiological Chemistry and Pathobiochemistry
    16.01.2020 kB-Ras GTPases as tumor suppressors in pancreatic cancer
    Andrea Oeckinghaus, biochemist, Institute of Molecular Tumor Biology
    19.12.2019 Characterization of ion channels in pancreatic islets with microelectrode arrays
    Anne Gresch, biologist, Institute of Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry
    12.12.2019 Redefining the heterogeneity of peripheral nerve cells in health and autoimmunity
    Jolien Wolbert, immunologist, Department of Neurology
    05.12.2019 A link between zebrafish development and human pathology in lymphatics
    Guangxia Wang, biologist, Institute for Cardiovascular Organogenesis and Regeneration
    28.11.2019 CREB is essential in the tumor biology of synovial sarcoma & myxoid liposarcoma
    Magdalene Alice Cyra, biologist, Gerhard-Domagk-Institute of Pathology
    21.11.2010 Nanophotonic detectors for imaging with ultimate sensitivity
    Carsten Schuck, physicist, Physics Institute, Center for NanoTechnology (CeNTech) and Center for Soft Nanoscience (SoN)
    14.11.2019 Lipids on a lattice - unraveling cholesterol’s unique properties
    Fabian Keller, chemist, Institute of Physical Chemistry
    07.11.2019 Cytoskeletal regulation during dendrite pruning in Drosophila
    Neele Wolterhoff, biologist, Institute for Neurobiology and Behavioural Biology
    31.10.2019 A biomimetic platform mimicking the implantation site of mouse embryos
    Niraimathi Govindasamy, biologist, Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine
    24.10.2019 Holey (carbon) support films based on water droplet templating
    Philipp Selenschik, biologist, Institute of Medical Physics and Biophysics
    11.07.2019 Human lung explants: a model for influenza infection and antivirals investigation
    Aline Matos, biologist, Institute of Molecular Virology
    04.07.2019 In vivo imaging of human monocytes in murine myocardial infarction
    Janette Iking, biologist, Department of Cardiology I
    27.06.2019 Tumor cell imaging targeting KCa3.1? A feasibility study with labeled ligands
    Kathrin Brömmel, pharmacist, Institute of Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry
    Christian Paul Konken, chemist, Department of Nuclear Medicine
    13.06.2019 In vivo imaging of tumor promoting S100A9 within the tumor microenvironment
    Anne Helfen, physician, Institute of Clinical Radiology
    06.06.2019 Integrin α2β1 mediates structural differences in murine tendon
    Daniel Kronenberg, biologist, Institute of Musculoskeletal Medicine
    23.05.2019 Macromolecular uptake via scavenger endothelial (-like) cells in the zebrafish embryo
    Yvonne Padberg, biologist, Institute for Cardiovascular Organogenesis and Regeneration
    16.05.2019 Membrane dynamics and cell mechanics during epithelial tube fusion
    Carolina Camelo, biologist, Institute for Neuro- and Behavioural Biology
    09.05.2019 Imaging Network: a central node for microscopy
    Thomas Zobel, Coordinator Microscopy – Imaging Network, Cells in Motion Interfaculty Centre
    11.04.2019 Unravelling the dynamics of endocytic actors using TIRFM-amenable synapses
    Sai Krishnan, biologist, Institute of Medical Physics and Biophysics
    04.04.2019 Environmental pH and mechanical stress orchestrate pancreatic stellate cell activation
    Zoltan Pethö, physician, Institute of Physiology II
    28.03.2019 Photofunctional transition metal complexes: photosensitization and bioimaging
    Iván Maisuls, biologist, Center for Nanotechnology
    21.03.2019 Integration of temperature and circadian input in sleep onset in Drosophila
    Angélique Lamaze, biologist, Institute for Neuro- and Behavioural Biology
    14.03.2019 Optoacoustic imaging of inflammatory activity in rheumatoid arthritis in mice
    Alexa Hasenbach, biologist, European Institute for Molecular Imaging
    07.03.2019 SS18-SSX-induced YAP/TAZ signaling is a therapeutic target in synovial sarcoma
    Ilka Isfort, biologist, Gerhard-Domagk-Institute of Pathology
    21.02.2019 Functional consequences of de- and remyelination in the CNS
    Manuela Cerina, biologist, Department of Neurology
    14.02.2019 Local mechanisms of dendrite pruning in Drosophila sensory neurons
    Rafael Krämer, biologist, Institute for Neuro- and Behavioural Biology
    07.02.2019 Computer vision in the wild: animal tracking and mapping of natural environments
    Benjamin Risse, computer scientist,  Institute of Computer Science
    31.01.2019 Nanophotonic circuits for quantum information processing
    Francesco Lenzini, physicist, Physics Institute
    24.01.2019 Communication via human chemosignals: Magnetoencephalographic correlates
    Isabelle Klinkenberg, psychologist, Institute for Biomagnetism and Biosignalanalysis
    17.01.2019 S100A8/S100A9 regulates the migration of monocytes
    Antonella Russo, biologist, Institute of Immunology
    13.12.2018 Laminin332-α3β1 Integrin interplay impact on stromal fibroblast differentiation
    Ana Cláudia Martins Cavacao, biologist, Institute of Physiological Chemistry and Pathobiochemistry
    06.12.2018 Investigating molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying chronic and acute inflammation
    Rafael Leite Dantas, pharmacist, Institute of Molecular Virology
    29.11.2018 Lipid-induced changes in curvature-dependent signaling at cellular membranes
    Tanumoy Saha, biologist, Institute of Medical Physics and Biophysics
    22.11.2018 Tailored photofunctional coordination compounds against bacteria and biofilms
    Cristian Strassert, chemist, Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry
    15.11.2018 Role of β2 and α4β1 Integrins in neutrophil-endothelium interaction after stroke
    Omar Chuquisana, biologist, Institute of Physiological Chemistry and Pathobiochemistry
    08.11.2018 Same-same, but different - Determinants of lipid droplet diversity
    Maria Bohnert, biologist, Institute of Cell Dynamics and Imaging
    25.10.2018 Macrophages at the interface between the innate and adaptive immune system
    Noelia Alonso Gonzalez, biologist, Institute of Immunology
    18.10.2018 Podocyte function and survival in dependency of YAP localization
    Jakob Bonse, biologist, Medical Clinic D - Department of Nephrology and Rheumatology
    11.10.2018 Hedgehog processing influences cellular differentiation and compartmentalization
    Philipp Kastl, biologist, Institute of Physiological Chemistry and Pathobiochemistry
    12.07.2018 Role of TASK1 channel in oligodendroglial cells
    Luise Nowack, biologist, Institute of Neuropathology
    05.07.2018 The heparansulfate-proteoglycan Syndecan-1 in bone metabolism
    Melanie Timmen, biologist, Institute of Musculoskeletal Medicine
    28.06.2018 Piconewton-sensitive biosensors to investigate molecular forces in cells
    Carsten Grashoff, biologist, Institute of Molecular Cell Biology
    21.06.2018 Targeting of ganglioside GD2 by chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-engineered T cells
    Sareetha Kailayangiri, biologist, Department of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology
    14.06.2018 Role of the coagulation system during CNS inflammation
    Susann Eichler, biologist, Institute of Translational Neurology
    17.05.2018 Killing two birds with one stone – a MEK-inhibitor blocks influenza and bacteria
    Christin Bruchhagen, biologist, Institute of Molecular Virology
    03.05.2018 Late endosomal cholesterol accumulation and influenza A virus host cell entry
    Alexander Kühnl, biochemist, Institute of Medical Biochemistry
    19.04.2018 Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of GluN2B NMDA receptor modulators
    Louisa Temme, pharmacist , Institute of Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry
    12.04.2018 The vertebrate protein Dead End protects zebrafish primordial germ cell fate
    Theresa Groß-Thebing, biologist, Institute of Cell Biology
    22.03.2018 Beyond histones: novel functions for acetylation discovered by mass spectrometry
    Iris Finkemeier, biologist, Institute for Plant Biology and Biotechnology
    15.03.2018 Nephrin signaling results in C3G-dependent Integrin β1 activations
    Cara Picciotto, biologist, Medical Clinic D
    08.03.2018 Interpretation of GPCR signal depends on the cell type rather than the receptor
    Divyanshu Malhotra, biologist, Institute of Cell Biology
    01.03.2018 Pathogenic mechanisms of inherited kidney diseases - insights from genetic studies
    Daniela Braun, physician, Medical Clinic D
    22.02.2018 Brain computer interfaces for absence seizure interruption and prevention
    Annika Lüttjohann, biological psychologist, Institute of Physiology I
    15.02.2018 Mass spectrometry imaging of brain tumors after fluorescence-guided resection
    Sabrina Kröger, chemist, Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry
    01.02.2018 Annexin A5 on male fertility
    Heloisa Lopes Lavorato, biomedical scientist, Centre of Reproductive Medicine and Andrology
    25.01.2018 Coronary EphB4 protects the heart from hypertrophy and worse. Two points of view.
    Noelia Diaz, biologist, Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine
    Guillermo de Luxán, biologist, Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine
    18.01.2018 Chemo-enzymatic labeling of the mRNA 5'-cap
    Fabian Muttach, biologist, Institute of Biochemistry
    11.01.2018 Cell polarity in health and disease
    Michael Krahn, veterinarian, Medical Clinic D
    14.12.2017 Identification of features in the environment influencing single-cell migration in vivo
    Daniel Tenbrinck, mathematician, Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics
    Łukasz Truszkowski, biologist, Institute of Cell Biology
    07.12.2017 Polarization-resolved coherent Raman spectroscopy
    Thomas Würthwein, physicist, Institute of Applied Physics
    30.11.2017 A dynamic force balance defines cell shape during development
    Amrita Singh, biologist, Institute of Cell Biology
    23.11.2017 3D chromatin architecture during zygotic genome activation
    Clemens Hug, biologist, Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine
    16.11.2017 Evaluation of ET receptor expression during atherosclerotic plaque formation
    Miriam Stölting, biologist, Department of Clinical Radiology
    09.11.2017 Fusion protein-driven signaling as therapeutic target in soft tissue tumors
    Marcel Trautmann, molecular pathologist, Gerhard-Domagk-Institute of Pathology
    02.11.2017 Nano-scale organization and sorting of synaptic proteins in the plasma membrane of presynaptic boutons
    Georgii Nosov, biochemist, Institute of Medical Physics and Biophysics
    26.10.2017 Mechanism and dynamics of epithelial tricellular junction assembly
    Manuel Hollmann, biologist, Institute of Neuro- and Behavioural Biology
    19.10.2017 Peripheral nervous system mechanobiology
    Gonzalo Rosso Vera, biologist, Biotechnology Center, TU Dresden
    12.10.2017 How do animals "know" when to regenerate? Insights from planarians and zebrafish
    Suthira Owlarn, biologist, Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine
    13.07.2017 Translation control during dendrite pruning
    Sandra Rode, biologist, Institute for Neurobiology
    06.07.2017 Can tRNA modifications explain pathogenicity in extremophiles?
    Lulit Tilahun Wolde, biologist, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia, and Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine
    29.06.2017 Dynamics of early tissue regeneration: from planarians to African spiny mice
    Antonio Tomasso, biologist, Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine
    22.06.2017 Complex genetic architecture of simple traits
    Jürgen Gadau, biologist, Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity
    08.06.2017 Regulation of neuronal polarity by Ndr kinases and Rassf proteins
    Jing Jin, biologist, Institute for Molecular Cell Biology
    01.06.2017 Determining the genomic landscape of pediatric Burkitt lymphoma
    Jonas Lange, physician, Pediatric Hematology and Oncology / Translational Oncology
    18.05.2017 Tetraspanin 2 regulates migration and responses of innate immune cells
    Christina Ruland, biologist, Department of Psychiatry
    11.05.2017 Impact of transcription factor IRF8 on murine myeloid cells
    Michele Pohlen, physician, Medicine A, Hematology and Oncology / Institute of Immunology
    04.05.2017 The use of liquid biopsies in personalized cancer therapies
    Christof Bernemann, biologist, Clinic for Urology
    06.04.2017 Identification of Miro as a mitochondrial receptor for myosin XIX
    Stefanie Oeding, biologist, Institute for Molecular Cell Biology
    30.03.3017 Active wetting drives collective cell migration in embryogenesis
    Bernhard Wallmeyer, physicist, Institute of Cell Biology
    23.03.2017 Imaging MMP activity in EAE and MS
    Hanna Gerwien, biologist, Institute of Physiological Chemistry and Pathobiochemistry
    16.03.2017 Calcium-mediated actin reset (CaAR) mediates acute cell adaptations
    Pauline Wales, biologist, Institute of Cell Dynamics and Imaging
    09.03.2017 Genome engineering of patient-derived PDAC cell lines using CRISPR/Cas9
    Glenn Geidel, MD student, Department of Dermatology
    02.03.2017 Membrane folds and tubules are the plasma membrane source of blebs
    Mohammad Goudarzi, biologist, Institute of Cell Biology 
    16.02.2017 Development of spin-labeled NMR probes for studying of G-Protein coupled receptors
    Anna Junker, pharmacist, Department of Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry
    09.02.2017 ArhGEF37, a novel regulator of neuronal architecture formation
    Abhijan Viplav, biologist, Institute of Medical Physics and Biophysics
    02.02.2017 PhD, now what? Career pathways after a PhD in biomedical sciences | Round table discussion
    Multiple speakers, CiM Careers
    26.01.2017 How sperm spot the egg – ion channels pave the way
    Christoph Brenker, physicist, Centre of Reproductive Medicine and Andrology
    19.01.2017 Mechanotransduction by engineered extracellular matrices
    Britta Trappmann, chemist, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Biomedicine
    12.01.2017 Free at last: Twists and turns in deciphering Hedgehog morphogen release from producing cells
    Kay Grobe, biologist, Institute of Physiological Chemistry and Pathobiochemistry
    15.12.2016 Identification of the Pitstop-2 target protein within the nuclear pore complex
    Ivan Liashkovich, biologist, Institute of Physiology II / Reshma Vidyadharan, chemist, Organic Chemistry Institute
    08.12.2016 Glial influence on neural network function
    Nils Otto, biologist, Institute for Neurobiology
    01.12.2016 Increasing complexity: development and use of Papillomavirus infection models
    Miriam Becker, biologist, Institute of Molecular Virology
    24.11.2016 Multimodal imaging of inflammation in murine myocardial infarction
    Lisa Honold, biologist, European Institute for Molecular Imaging
    17.11.2016 Stimulus-responsive nanocontainers by use of self-assembled templates
    Wilke de Vries, chemist, Institute for Organic Chemistry
    10.11.2016 Microtubule disassembly during dendrite pruning
    Svende Herzmann, biologist, Institute for Neurobiology
    03.11.2016 Setting up the foundations of the body
    Ivan Bedzhov, biologist, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Biomedicine
    27.10.2016 Light synchronization of the circadian clock via canonical and non-canonical pathways
    Maite Ogueta, biologist, Institute for Neurobiology
    20.10.2016 Monitoring monocyte migration in inflammation by in vivo imaging
    Sandra Gran, biologist, Institute of Immunology
    13.10.2016 Regulation of neuronal polarity by SAD kinases
    Pratibha Dhumale, biologist, Institute for Molecular Cell Biology
    06.10.2016 Phenotypes of mice lacking the filopodia-inducing protein Myo10
    Anne Bachg, biologist, Institute for Molecular Cell Biology
    14.07.2016 Assessing mitochondrial activity
    Bettina Rieger, biologist, Institute of Molecular Cell Biology
    07.07.2016 Requirement for efficient splicing during tracheal morphogenesis in Drosophila
    Julia Sauerwald, biochemist, Institute of Neurobiology
    30.06.2016 Curvature dependence of cell polarity in migrating cells
    Isabell Begemann, biophysicist, Institute of Medical Physics and Biophysics
    23.06.2016 Combining 3D bioprinting and tissue engineering with live cell imaging – a new challenge
    Laura Hockaday, bioengineer, Institute of Cell Dynamics and Imaging
    16.06.2016 The mammalian kidney filter: lessons from Drosophila nephrocytes
    Britta George, physician, Department of Nephrology and Rheumatology
    09.06.2016 New ways to make cyclic peptides for the development of inhibitors
    Shubhendu Palei, biochemist, Institute of Biochemistry
    02.06.2016 A molecular view on curvature-induced lipid sorting
    Djurre de Jong, molecular biologist, Department of Physical Chemistry
    19.05.2016 Interaction of vessel caliber and blood flow in arteriovenous malformations
    Robert Meißner,  physicist, Institute of Applied Physics, and
    Wade Sugden, biologist, Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine
    28.04.2016 Notch signaling and VEGF in VE-cadherin patterning during angiogenesis
    Jiahui Cao, biologist, Institute of Anatomy and Vascular Biology
    21.04.2016 Analysis of inflammatory swelling via standardised imaging techniques
    Sarah Eligehausen, biologist, European Institute for Molecular Imaging
    14.04.2016 Regulation of v-ATPase during synaptic vesicle recycling
    Anna Bodzeta, biophysicist, Institute of Medical Physics and Biophysics
    07.04.2016 Receptor mediated siRNA delivery – a new cancer therapy concept?
    Neele Appel, biologist, Department of Medicine A – Haematology and Oncology
    17.03.2016 Role of basement membrane laminins in vascular smooth muscle function
    Lema Yousif, biochemist, Institute of Physiological Chemistry and Pathobiochemistry
    10.03.2016 Ins and outs of HS1 signaling
    Joanna Latasiewicz, biologist, Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine
    03.03.2016 Kidney-targeted immunosuppression
    Katharina Schütte-Nütgen,  physician, Department of Experimental Nephrology
    25.02.2016 PET-imaging of awake and freely-moving mice
    Dirk Mannweiler, mathematician, and Sönke Schmid, mathematician & computer scientist, European Insitute for Molecular Imaging
    11.02.2016 Targeted photoinduced killing of bacterial pathogens: from chemical synthesis to photobiological application
    Anzhela Galstyan, chemist, European Instutite for Molecular Imaging & CeNTech
    04.02.2016 Functional expression of tandem pore domain potassium channels in oligodendroglial cells
    Sabrina Korr, biotechnologist, Institute of Neuropathology
    28.01.2016 Pushing and pulling: how cell mechanics provides key insights to cell biology
    Timo Betz, biophysicist, Institute of Cell Biology
    21.01.2016 Dynamics of angiogenesis in bone
    Saravana Ramasamy, biologist, Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine
    14.01.2016 The length of E-Selectin determines the different binding ability of monocytes and neutrophils to an endothelial cell layer
    Jana Zimmermann, biochemist, Institute of Physiological Chemistry and Pathobiochemistry
    17.12.2015 Dissecting the in vivo functions of WASP proteins in actin dynamics
    Klaus Brinkmann, biologist, Institute of Neurobiology and Behavioural Biology
    10.12.2015 Stem cell-based regeneration in planarians
    Hanna Reuter, biologist, Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine
    03.12.2015 How to lie with statistics: typical mistakes and pitfalls
    Thomas D'Souza, biologist & deputy director, Commission for the Enhancement of University Teaching,
    Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences
    26.11.2015 Are all spermatozoa created equal? – a tale of epigenetic heterogeneity and male infertility
    Sandra Laurentino, biochemist, Centre of Reproductive Medicine and Andrology
    19.11.2015 Folding to the rhythm of translation: Optimal codon translation rates maintain proteome integrity
    Danny Nedialkova, biologist, Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine
    12.11.2015 Who do you write for? Writing your science with the reader in mind
    Celeste Brennecka, scientific editor, Science Writing Support Service, Sprachenzentrum
    05.11.2015 Novel bacteria-derived cell-penetrating ubiquitin ligases
    Marie-Luise Lubos, biologist, Institute of Infectiology
    29.10.2015 Copyright, open access, plagiarism - research related services of the zb med
    Oliver Obst, head of department, WWU, ULB Dez. 7 Informationsdienste Medizin
    22.10.2015 The role of CCBE1 in lymphangiogenesis - of fish mice and men
    Dörte Schulte, biotechnologist, Institute for Cardiovascular Organogenesis and Regeneration
    15.10.2015 Development of GluN2B selective NMDA receptor antagonists: a medicinal chemistry approach
    Sandeep Gawaskar, chemist, Institute for Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry
    08.10.2015 Characterization of supported lipid bilayers containing phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate and cholesterol as functional surfaces
    Patrick Drücker, biochemist, Institute of Biochemistry
    01.10.2015 A novel family of UnaG based genetically encoded hypoxia sensors
    Raghu Erapaneedi, biologist, Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine
    09.07.2015 TRPC6 channels regulate CXCR2 mediated recruitment of neutrophils
    Otto Lindemann, biologist, Institute of Physiology II
    02.07.2015 The role of myeloid and lymphoid cells for stress susceptibility and resilience
    Oliver Ambrée, neuroscientist, Department of Psychiatry
    25.06.2015 Matching 3D to 2D microscopy images
    Paul Striewski, mathematician, Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics
    18.06.2015 Set up and PET/MR imaging of a S. aureus infection model to study biofilm formation in mice
    Hélène Van de Vyver, biologist/physiologist, Institute for Medical Microbiology
    11.06.2015 The endothelial sodium channel (EnNaC) determines nanomechanics and function of vascular endothelium
    Kristina Kusche-Vihrog, biologist, Institute of Physiology II
    21.05.2015 Endothelial cell laminins – active extracellular matrix components in resistance arteries physiology
    Jacopo di Russo, biologist, Institute of Physiological Chemistry and Pathobiochemistry
    07.05.2015 Enzymatic modification of the 5'-cap in eukaryotic mRNAs enables labeling by click chemistries
    Josephin Holstein, chemist, Institute of Biochemistry
    23.04.2015 Genetic analysis of atypical rhabdoid/teratoid tumors in Drosophila
    Astrid Jeibmann, MD, Institute for Neuropathology
    16.04.2015 Small hormonal peptides control endothelial cell migration in the zebrafish embryo
    Annika Schürmann, biologist, Angiogenesis Laboratory, Department of Tissue Morphogenesis
    26.03.2015 Genomic analyses of repetitive elements in the context of early mouse development
    Rocio Enriquez-Gasca, Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine
    19.03.2015 The role of endothelial cell laminins in leukocyte transmigration across the blood-brain barrier
    Xueli Zhang, biologist, Institute of Physiological Chemistry and Pathobiochemistry
    12.03.2015 Imaging and tracking in neurobiology – FIM: acquiring locomotion trajectories of small and translucent animals
    Benjamin Risse, computer scientist, Department for Computer Science and Institute for Neurobiology
    05.03.2015 Lymphangiogenesis in vertebrates – lessons from zebrafish
    Andreas van Impel, biologist, Institute for Cardiovascular Organogenesis and Regeneration
    26.02.2015 A new ectopic intravital model allows multiphoton imaging of angiogenesis in split femurs at the expense of hematopoiesis
    Mirela Balan, Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine
    19.02.2015 Staphylococcal biofilms: what are they and how do we eradicate them?
    Nithya Babu Rajendran, Institute of Medical Microbiology
    12.02.2015 Role and regulation of GEFs in Neuronal polarity
    Alejandro Lopez Tobon, biologist, Institute of Molecular Cell Biology
    05.02.2015 Molecular pathogenesis of aggressive lymphoma
    Tabea Erdmann, biochemist, Department of Medicine A - Hematology, Hemostaseology, Oncology, Pulmonology
    29.01.2015 The EMBO Journal – a behind the scenes look at scientific publishing
    Karin Dumstrei, biologist, senior editor of 'The EMBO Journal'
    22.01.2015 Imunotherapy in pediatric cancers
    Sareetha Kailayangiri, biologist, Department for Pediatric Hematology and Oncology
    15.01.2015 Microstructured and functionalized coverslips for induction of hippocampal synapses
    Julia Trahe, physicist, Institute of Medical Physics and Biophysics
    18.12.2014 Spatial organization of endocytosis in the budding yeast Saccharomyces Cerevisiae
    Jon Busto, biochemist, Institute of Cell Dynamics and Imaging
    11.12.2014 The effects of the IL-2/anti-IL-2 immune complex in a model of renal allograft vasculitis
    Helga Pawelski, biologist, Department of Medicine D – Experimental Nephrology
    04.12.2014 Testing the astrocyte-neuron lactate shuttle in Drosophila
    Stefanie Limmer, biologist, Institute of Neurobiology
    27.11.2014 Dos and don'ts of DFG grant application
    Eva Lorentzen, administrative manager, SFB 656 MoBil
    20.11.2014 Metabolic receptors regulate autoimmunity of the central nervous system
    Stephanie Hucke, biologist, Department of Neurology
    13.11.2014 'Stoned skin' – role of the (endo)cannabinoid signaling in cutaneous biology
    Attila Oláh, MD, Department of Dermatology/University of Münster & Department of Physiology/University of Debrecen
    06.11.2014 Localization and volume rendering of fluorophore accumulation in vitro and in vivo by three-dimensional image reconstruction
    using epi-illumination

    Christiane Geyer, biologist, IZKF Core Unit PiX
    30.10.2014 Control from within: Leukocyte recruitment to activated endothelial cells via cell surface delivery of CD63
    Ursula Rescher, cell biologist, Institute of Medical Biochemistry
    23.10.2014 Functional nanoparticles for bioactive 2D surfaces and 3D scaffolds
    Nermin Seda Kehr, chemist, Physical Institute and CeNTech
    16.10.2014 The role of filopodia in chemokine sensing during guided cell migration in vivo
    Dana Meyen, biologist, Institute of Cell Biology
    09.10.2014 UTE phase contrast MRI for blood flow visualization in mice
    Verena Hörr, physicist and pharmacist, Institute of Clinical Radiology
    02.10.2014 Endothelial cell heterogeneity in coupling of angiogenesis and osteogenesis in bone
    Anjali Kusumbe, cell biologist, Tissue Morphogenesis Department, Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine
    25.09.2014 The influence of Lysostaphin on Staphylococcus aureus in cell culture experiments
    Silke Niemann, biologist, Institute of Medical Microbiology
    03.07.2014 The unique extracellular matrix is required for margina zone B cells compartment in the development of splenic marginal zone
    Jian Song, biologist, Institute for Physiological Chemistry and Pathobiochemistry
    26.06.2014 The versatile functions of cellular factors during influenza virus infection
    Christina Erhardt, biologist, Institute of Molecular Virology
    12.06.2014 The contribution of endothelial laminin to the functional integrity of the neurovascular unit in a model of ischemic stroke
    Jula Huppert, biologist, Institute for Physiological Chemistry and Pathobiochemistry
    05.06.2014 Reaction of retinal microglia to pathological insults in small rodents
    Peter Heiduschka, chemist, Research lab of the Department of Ophthalmology
    22.05.2014 The anti-vascular tissue factor approach – insights into tumor-therapy monitoring and treatment improvement
    Christian Schwöppe, biologist, Medical Clinic of Internal Medicine A
    15.05.2014 The peri-islet basement membrane – a barrier to infiltrating leukocytes in type 1 diabetes in mice and human
    Eva Korpos, biologist, Institute for Physiological Chemistry and Pathobiochemistry
    08.05.2014 The role of the WAVE-complex in the differentiation and function of immune cells
    David J.J. de Gorter, biologist, Institute for Molecular Cell Biolology
    10.04.2014 Elemental bioimaging in tissues using mass spectrometry
    Uwe Karst, chemist, Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry
    03.04.2014 Shedding light on the dark of vascular development - novel approaches for the visualization of lymphangiogenesis using 2-photon and Ultramicroscopy
    René Hägerling, chemist, MPI for Molecular Biomedicine
    27.03.2014 The important role of cadherins in breast cancer progression
    Maryam Rezaei, biologist, Institute of Anatomy und Vascular Biology
    20.03.2014 The role of thalamic KCNQ channels in pain processing
    Manuela Cerina, biologist, Institute of Physiology I
    13.03.2014 The role of microtubules in planar cell polarity
    Maja Matis, biologist, Institute for Neurobiology
    06.03.2014 Role of TREK1 potassium channels for immune cell migration into the CNS
    Stefan Bittner, neurologist, Department for Neurology
    27.02.2014 The role of CCL17 in neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration
    Judith Alferink, psychiatrist, Department of Psychiatry
    20.02.2014 Force detection and regulation in cells via membrane deformation
    Milos Galic, neuro/cellbiologist, Institute for Medical Physics and Biophysics
    14.02.2014 RAMAN microspectroscopy : How light can tell more about cells in motion
    Con Mallidis, biomedical scientist, and Victoria Sanchez, biologist, Center for Reproductive Medicine and Andrology; Carsten Fallnich, physicist, Institute for Applied Physics
    07.02.2014 In vivo imaging in mouse models of retinal diseases
    Anne Alex, ophthalmologist, Department of Ophthalmology
    31.01.2014 The role of VLA-4, PSGL-1, and MCAM in the CNS infiltration of T cells
    Tilman Schneider-Hohendorf, neuroimmunologist, Department of Neurology
    24.01.2014 Tracking the spoor of Human Papillomavirus - a microscopic Safari to understand cellular membrane dynamics and virus entry into host cells
    Mario Schelhaas, virologist, Institute of Mol. Virology and Institute of Med. Biochemistry/ZMBE
    17.01.2014 Variability of proliferation and diffusion in different lung cancer models as measured by 18F-FLT-PET and DW-MRI
    Sonja Schelhaas, biologist, European Institute for Molecular Imaging (EIMI)
    13.12.2013 Optical Imaging - 'Light up Life'
    Christiane Geyer, biologist, IZKF Core Unit PiX, and Anke Hahnenkamp, chemist, Department of Clinical Radiology
    06.12.2013 Respiratory motion in PET/CT: correction methods and application in diagnostics and therapy
    Florian Büther, physicist, European Institute for Molecular Imaging (EIMI)
    29.11.2013 TGFβ signaling in cardiovascular disease
    Evangelia Pardali, biologist, Department of Cardiovascular Medicine
    22.11.2013 Mechanisms of platelet-induced NET formation
    Jan Roissant, anaesthesiologist, Department of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care and Pain Medicine and Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine
    15.11.2013 Establishing a live cell tracing approach in planarians
    Florian Seebeck, developmental biologist, Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine
    08.11.2013 Molecular Imaging in Endoscopy: Detection of Colonic Neoplasia by MMP-guided Fluorescence Endoscopy
    Philipp Lenz, specialist in internal and palliative medicine, Department of Medicine B (Internal Medicine)
    25.10.2013 In vivo and in vitro imaging of L-selectin mediated lymphocyte rolling
    Konrad Buscher, Internist (Med D), Institute of Physiological Chemistry and Pathobiochemistry
    18.10.2013 Role of the Ubiquitin System in Developmental Neurodegeneration
    Sebastian Rumpf, biologist, Institute of Neurobiology and Behavioural Biology
    11.10.2013 MR-Cell Tracking – Overview and New Possibilities
    Rebecca Schmidt, radiologist, Institute of Clinical Radiology