Participation in “Cells in Motion”
- Supervisor in the CiM-IMPRS Graduate Programme
Papers in the research focus “cell dynamics and imaging”
Vorwerk J, Engwer C, Pursiainen S, Wolters CH. A Mixed Finite Element Method to Solve the EEG Forward Problem. IEEE Trans Med Imaging 2017;36: 930-941. Abstract 2016
Engwer C, Knappitsch M, Surulescu C. A multiscale model for glioma spread including cell-tissue interactions and proliferation. Math Biosci Eng 2016;13: 443-460. Abstract 2015
Giese W, Eigel M, Westerheide S, Engwer C, Klipp E. Influence of cell shape, inhomogeneities and diffusion barriers in cell polarization models. Phys Biol 2015;12: 066014. Abstract 2014
Chamakuri N, Engwer C, Kunisch K. Boundary control of bidomain equations with state-dependent switching source functions in the ionic model. J Comp Phys 2014;15: 227-242. Abstract Engwer C, Westerheide S. Heterogeneous Coupling for Implicitly Described Domains. In: Erhel J., Gander M. (eds) Proceedings of the Domain Decomposition 21 2014;Springer, Cham: 809-817. Abstract