Inflammation in the Brain: Imaging to Investigate Multiple Sclerosis
Cells-in-Motion Podcast | Episode 1
Between the central nervous system that is located in our brain on the one side and a human's blood cirulation on the other, there's a natural border known as the brain-blood barrier. This barrier regulates what gets into the brain and what doesn't.
Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease where an inflammation in the brain develops, while the cause is still not known. Why and how is it possible to have inflammations beyond the brain-blood-barrier? In their project, Prof. Lydia Sorokin and Prof. Günter Haufe want to have a closer look on what's happening inside the brain during multiple sclerosis. How does the disease develop and grow? Therefore, the team applies molecular imaging in order to get significant images without any invasive treatment. With their work, Günter Haufe and Lydia Sorokin contribute to an improved understanding of multiple sclerosis.