CiM-IMPRS students win ‘Science Day’ prizes

Rim Hjeij (left) and Lema Yousif

The Medical Faculty ‘Science Day’ was held on November 26th, 2013, where Rim Hjeij and Lema Yousif of the CiM-IMPRS graduate school were awarded poster prices of 400 € each. Rim Hjeij (Department of General Pediatrics, working group Prof. Heymut Omran) had presented her research on ARMC4 mutations causing Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia with randomization of left/right body asymmetry. Lema Yousif (Institute of Physiological Chemistry and Pathobiochemistry, working group Prof. Lydia Sorokin) presented her work on the role of laminin isoforms in vascular smooth muscle cell function and mechanotransduction.

The 'Science Day' is an event of the Medical Faculty and the student council of medicine where, this year, the Cells-in-Motion Cluster of Excellence presented information about its career development programmes for young scientists. Every year, MD and PhD students present results of their medical or scientific research in a scientific competition. This year, 16 out of a total of 41 participants were shortlisted after a poster presentation. Six of them – including the two students of the CiM-IMPRS graduate school – were honoured with a price after having given a short presentation.