Cells, tissues, organisms

Images from research conducted at the Multiscale Imaging Centre at the University of Münster

24 images afford insights into cells, vascular systems, the nervous system and immune system, as well as into new possibilities in biomedical imaging. The images were created using high-resolution microscopy techniques and (pre)clinical methods such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomography (PET) and originate from studies of cell cultures, fruit flies, zebrafish, mice and humans.

Images that reveal what is happening inside cells and organisms are among the most important tools in medicine and the life sciences. They make significant advances possible in research and provide vital information for patient care.
Professor Michael Schäfers, nuclear medicine specialist and MIC spokesperson

Our gallery of images was put together by the Multiscale Imaging Centre team and other colleagues:

Noelia Alonso Gonzalez, Irene Aranda Pardos, Philipp Backhaus, Cristina Barca Romero, Nadine Bauer, Daniel Beckmann, Stefanie Bobe, Cornelius Faber, Andreas Faust, Volker Gerke, Anne Helfen, Sven Hermann, Thea Jacobs, Friedemann Kiefer, Christian Klämbt, Stefan Luschnig, Renato Margeta, Nils Marquardt, Max Masthoff, Marco Mauritz, Bastian Maus, Silke Niemann, Maite Ogueta, Henrike Ohm, Bruno Pradier, Nikita Raj, Benjamin Risse, Maria Florencia Sánchez, Klaus Schäfers, Michael Schäfers, Stefan Schulte-Merker, Dörte Schulte-Ostermann, Ralf Stanewsky, Sanjay Sunil Kumar, Katharina Uphoff, Thomas Vogl, Lydia Wachsmuth, Sarah Weischer, Enrica Wilken, Benedikt Wirth

Doris Niederhoff (project manager, editor), Nina Knubel (graphic design), Sarah Weischer and Thomas Zobel (image editing), Chris Cave (translation into English), Martin Kreuznacht (facility management)