The results of the last call for proposals of joint projects (3/2023) with the Brazilian state agency FAPESP (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo) as part of the FAPESP/SPRINT-Uni Münster funding programme are now announced. Two projects have been selected to promote cooperation between researchers from the University of Münster and the state of São Paulo. These initiatives will receive seed funding for bilateral visits and workshops with the aim to prepare joint research projects.
As part of the mentioned funding programme, the FAPESP provides up to 10,000 euros per joint project with researchers from the University of Münster. The University of Münster also contributes up to 10,000 euros per project. The Brazil Centre covers 50% of this amount, while the remaining 50% is co-financed by the researchers with other funds (including institute, departmental and third-party funds).