Biodiversa+ Call 2024-2025: Call for proposals on biodiversity and transformative change

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The German Research Foundation (DFG), as a partner of Biodiversa+, announces the launch of the joint call for research proposals on "Biodiversity and Transformative Change". This initiative, known as BiodivTransform, aims to fund interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research projects that investigate transformative processes to address biodiversity loss.

The call particularly addresses the need to understand the complex relationships between biodiversity loss, climate change and environmental pollution. Funding is available for research consortia with teams from at least three financially participating countries, including at least two from EU Member States or EU-associated countries.

This is a two-stage application process, with the deadline for the submission of pre-proposals in early November 2024 and for the submission of full proposals in early April 2025.

The partners from Brazil can be funded via the respective regional funding agencies involved (FAPs, e.g. FAPESP, FAPEMIG) or the national funding agency CNPq. For further information, please refer to the announcement by the National Council of National Research Funding Foundations (CONFAP) via this link (in Portuguese).

A webinar with important information for potential applicants will take place on 24 September 2024 from 1 pm to 3 pm (CEST)/ 8 am to 10 am (BRT).

Further information can be accessed on the DFG website at this link.