Stay abroad (BA programmes 2011 & 2018)
All BA students studying to become teachers are required to go abroad as part of EITHER the Culture & Communication OR the Work Experience Abroad Module. According to the relevant legislation on teacher training in North Rhine-Westphalia, you have to spend your stay abroad in an English-speaking country (§11 LAGB). Exceptions may be granted in cases of hardship or if students are studying two foreign languages. To complete the module, you will have to submit the Intercultural Dossier.
- the duration of the stay abroad is 12 weeks (but can be split into two separate stays abroad of any length, i.e. two stays of six weeks or one stay of 10 weeks and the second of two weeks)
- for the Culture & Communication Module you have to obtain 7 credit points at an English-speaking university
- for the Work Experience Abroad Module you have to work for 210 hours in an English-speaking country