Formerly Deputy Chair of American Studies
Phone: +49 251 83-24296
Johannisstraße 12-20, Room 228
48143 Münster
Mail: s.mueller
- Dec. 2018
- Habilitation and Venia legendi for American Studies
The Corporation in the American Imagination, 1819-1904 (post-doctoral thesis)
- Dr. phil. in American Studies, Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main.
The Presence of the Past in the Novels of Toni Morrison (summa cum laude)
Advisor: Christa Buschendorf
- Magister Artium in American and English Studies, Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main
- October 2018 to Sept. 2019
- Deputy Chair of American Studies (W3, Vertretungsprofessur) at the University of Münster
- April 2017 to March 2018
- Visiting Fellow, John-F.-Kennedy-Institute, Free University, Berlin.
Host: Frank Kelleter
- Oct. 2016 to March 2017
- Assistant Professor (Wiss. Mitarbeiterin), Institute for English and American Studies, Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main.
- Oct. 2014 to Sept. 2016
- Feodor Lynen Fellow, English Department, University of California, Irvine, CA.
Host: Brook Thomas
- Oct. 2010 to March 2011
- Visiting Fellow, African American Studies Department, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.
Host: Werner Sollors
- Sept. 2007 to March 2014
- Assistant Professor (Wiss. Mitarbeiterin), Institute for English and American Studies, Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main.
- Sept. 2003 to June 2004
- Assistant Teacher for German at St Edward’s School, Oxford, UK.
Fellowships, Awards, and Grants
- Return Fellowship for Feodor Lynen Fellows, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Bonn.
- Travel Scholarship for Lectures and Conferences, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Bonn.
- Finalist of “The Toni Morrison Society Book Prize 2012-2015.”
- Conference Grant (“The Implicit Sociology of Literature,” with Astrid Franke, Katja Sarkowsky, Johannes Voelz), German Research Foundation [DFG], Bonn.
- Feodor Lynen Fellowship, Humboldt Foundation, Bonn.
- Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Humanities for Harvard Humanities Center, Volkswagen Foundation, Hannover; declined.
- Conference Grants (“Financial Times: Economic Temporalities in US Culture,” with Christian Kloeckner).
• German Research Foundation [DFG], Bonn.
• Association of Friends and Supporters of the Goethe University, Frankfurt.
• US Embassy and German Association for American Studies [DGfA].
- Project Grant (“It’s not television. Graduate conference on British and US-American TV-Series”), Association of Friends and Supporters of the Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main.
- Scholarship, Young Researchers in Focus [NachwuchswissenschaftlerInnen im Fokus], Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main.
- Scholarship Fulbright American Studies Summer Institute (San Francisco and Washington, DC).
- Research Grant, Association of Friends and Supporters of the Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main.
- Student Scholarship, German National Merit Foundation [Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes], Bonn.
University service
- June 2013
to July 2014
- Women’s Representative, Dpt. for English and American Studies, Frankfurt am Main.
- April 2011
to July 2014
- Coordinator for the design and implementation of the American Studies MA-program, Dpt. for English and American Studies, Frankfurt am Main.
- April
to Sept. 2012
- Member of the Didactic Colloquium,
Dpt. for English and American Studies, Frankfurt am Main.
- April 2008
to Oct. 2012
- Elected member, Executive Board, Dpt. for English and American Studies, Frankfurt am Main.
- April 2009
to Oct. 2010
Elected member, Executive Board, Faculty of Modern Languages, Frankfurt am Main.
- April
to Oct. 2009
- Selection committee member, Junior Professor (W1) American History, Dpt. for English and American Studies, Frankfurt am Main.
- Oct. 2008
to April 2009
- Selection committee member, Professor (W2) American Cultural Studies, Dpt. for English and American Studies, Frankfurt am Main.
Presentations and invited lectures
“@AltNatParkSer and @RogueNASA: Science, Nature, and Rogue Tweeting.” German American Studies Association Annual Conference: “American Counter/Publics.” Free University Berlin. (May 2018)
“Piercing the Corporate Veil: The Corporation in Nineteenth-Century American Culture.” Dpt. of North-American Studies, Mannheim University. (May 2018)
“The Soulless Corporation and Popular Sovereignty in the Jacksonian Era.” Association for the Study of Law, Culture and Humanities Annual Conference. Georgetown Law School, Washington, DC. (March 2018)
“Metaphors in Law and Literature.” Law, Culture, and the Humanities Workshop. John-F.-Kennedy Institute, Free University, Berlin. (November 2017)
“The Monster on Chestnut Street: The Second Bank of the United States and Anti-Corporate Rhetoric in the Jacksonian Era.” Ringvorlesung “Capitalism and the North American City.” Free University Berlin. (November 2017)
“‘No more little boxes’ – Poetic Positionings in the Literary Field.” German American Studies Association Annual Conference: “Modernities and Modernization in North America,” University of Hannover. (June 2017)
“The Marketplace of Ideas and the Role of Metaphor in Law and Poetry.” Association for the Study of Law, Culture and Humanities Annual Conference. Stanford University Law School, CA. (March 2017)
“Corporation.” Object Lessons in Personhood. Annual Meeting of the Modern Language Association. Philadelphia, PA. (January 2017)
“The Circle and Corporate Life.” German American Studies Association Annual Conference: “The US and the Question of Rights”, University of Osnabrueck. (May 2016)
“’The Clouds Part:’ Corporations, Poetry, and Political Expression after Citizens United.” Association for the Study of Law, Culture and Humanities Annual Conference. UConn School of Law, CT. (March 2016)
“The Corporate Imaginary in the Progressive Era.” Institute of English Studies, University of Warsaw, PL. (January 2016)
“The Incorporation of Rural America: Frank Norris’ ‘Epic of the Wheat’ and Corporate Perpetuity.” Financial Times: Economic Temporalities in US Culture. Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main. (March 2015)
“Nightmares of Incorporation in William Austin’s ‘Martha Gardner; or, Moral Reaction.’” Association for the Study of Law, Culture and Humanities Annual Conference. Georgetown University Law School, WDC. (March 2015)
“Possessive Individualism in Home and The Reluctant Fundamentalist.” 15th Triennial Conference of the European Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies: “Uncommon Wealths: Riches and Realities.” Innsbruck, Austria. (April 2014)
“Economic and Political Incorporation in HBO’s Deadwood.” Department of English, American, and Celtic Studies. University of Bonn. (November 2013)
“‘It’s a relationship business’ – Family and Corporate Culture in Showtime’s House of Lies.” Screening Class: Precarious Visions and American Studies. Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg. (June 2013)
“‘Around and around and back home again.’ Self-made Men, Falling Men, and Hobos in AMC’s Mad Men.” It’s not television. Conference on Contemporary US-American and British TV-Series. Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main. (February 2013)
“The Established and the Outsiders in Charles Chesnutt’s The Marrow of Tradition,” Augsburg, Germany. (January 2013)
“Corporate Power and the Public Good in Sloan Wilson’s The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit.” Post-Graduate Forum of the GAAS, University of Marburg. (November 2012)
“‘A man is whatever room he’s in’ – Identity as Commodity in AMC’s Mad Men,” International Symposium: Fake Identities? Impostors, ConMen, Wannabes in North American Culture, University of Jena. (April 2012)
“Standing Up to Words – Writing and Resistance in Toni Morrison’s A Mercy,” International Symposium: Writing Slavery after Beloved: Literature, Historiography, Criticism, Université de Nantes, France. (March 16-17, 2012)
“Textsoziologie.” Hooked On Theory (Lecture Series), Frankfurt am Main. (January 2012)
“The Presence of the Past in Toni Morrison’s Love,” American Literature Association, Boston. (May 2011)
“The Logic of Property in Toni Morrison’s A Mercy,” German American Studies Association Annual Conference: “American Economies”, Berlin. (June 2010)
“The State Nobility? - The Power of the Academic Elite in Donna Tartt’s The Secret History,” German American Studies Association Annual Conference: “Education and the USA”, Jena. (June 2009)Conference and Workshop Organization
- March 2018
- “The Corporation in US Literature and Law.” (Workshop) Association for the Study of Law, Culture and Humanities Annual Conference. Georgetown Law School, Washington, DC.
- “From 17th Century London Insurance to Hobby Lobby: the Making of Corporations in Early and Late Capitalisms.” (Workshop) Association for the Study of Law, Culture and Humanities Annual Conference. Georgetown Law School, Washington, DC.
- Nov. 2017
- “Law, Culture, and the Humanities.” Workshop at John-F.-Kennedy Institute, Free University, Berlin.
- March 2017
- “Poetry and Law.” (Workshop, with Birte Christ) Association for the Study of Law, Culture and Humanities Annual Conference. Stanford University Law School, CA.
- March 2016
- “American Poetry Imagines the Law.” (Workshop, with Birte Christ) Association for the Study of Law, Culture and Humanities Annual Conference. Hartford, CT.
- June 2015
- “The Implicit Sociology of Literature” (Conference, with Astrid Franke, Katja Sarkowsky, Johannes Voelz), Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main.
- March 2015
- “Financial Times: Economic Temporalities in US Culture” (Conference, with Christian Kloeckner), Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main. www.financialtimes-conference.de
- May 2013
- “Violence and Open Spaces: The Subversion of Boundaries and the Transformation of the Western Genre” (Workshop), with Christa Buschendorf and Katja Sarkowsky. “Rural America” – German American Studies Association Annual Conference, Erlangen.
- Feb. 2013
- “It’s not television. Graduate conference on British and US-American TV-Series” (Conference, co-organizer), Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main.
- May 2010
- “Property – Belonging – Autonomy: Economies in (Neo-) Slave Narratives and Fictions of Slavery” (Workshop), with Christa Buschendorf. “American Economies” – German American Studies Association Annual Conference, Berlin.
- Dec. 2009
- “Money, Manners, and Ideas: On the Interrelation between Habitus and Social Status” (Conference, co-organizer), International Roundtable Symposium in Honor of Christa Buschendorf. Goethe University, Frankfurt.
- Deutscher Hochschulverband
- German American Studies Association
- Association for the Study of Law, Culture and Humanities
- Modern Language Association
- The Frankfurt Memory Studies Platform
- European Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies