Citizen Science

Citizen science in Germany is the active participation of the public in scientific research projects. Interested laypeople and (specialised) scientists create new knowledge together. Public participation goes beyond the collection and provision of data and also includes the co-design of research questions and methods as well as the preparation and communication of results, both within the scientific community and to the general public. Citizens should be recognised as equal partners who can contribute their knowledge, experience, perspectives and concerns. The goal is a democratic and transparent science that is supported by the community.

A distinction is made between different types of participation in citizen science projects according to the type and extent of participation and involvement:

  • Contributory Citizen Science: Here, citizens actively participate in data collection and collation by making observations, taking samples or collecting information. (Focus: data collection)
  • Collaborative Citizen Science: In this type of participation, citizens work closely with scientists to develop research questions, plan methods and analyse data. (Focus: data analysis)
  • Co-created Citizen Science: This form goes beyond mere collaboration. Citizens are involved in the process of research planning by proposing research questions, discussing methods and making decisions about the design of the project. It also involves the interpretation of results between citizens and scientists. (Focus: research design)
  • Community-led citizen science: Here, communities or groups of citizens independently initiate and conduct research projects that are relevant to their local needs and interests.They are supported by specialised scientists.

Each of these forms of participation contributes in different ways to involving citizens in the scientific process and strengthening collaboration between science and society.

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