Second bachelor's programme / state examination / Master of Education
If you have already completed a degree programme at a German university and wish to earn a second degree, then you should apply for admission to what is called a "Zweitstudium", or second-degree programme. To be eligible for admission, you must submit your first-degree certificate by the end of the application period (15 January for the summer semester and 15 July for the winter semester ). A preliminary certificate does not suffice. If you have submitted your bachelor thesis but have not received your bachelor's certificate by the application deadline, your application will be reviewed based on your university entrance qualification (Abitur) for admission to a first-degree programme. After your online application you have to upload the required documents in the info portal.
Only three percent of available places in each subject are reserved for second degree applicants. As you will notice in the "Admission Limits" tables below, your chances of gaining admission are no worse than those of first-time applicants. In the winter semester 2017/18, the University could not grant admission to all candidates applying for first degree programmes in 52 subjects, while admission to second degree programmes was denied to candidates in only 17 subjects.
Admission is granted to second-degree applicants based on the final grade of their undergraduate programme (bachelor, state examination, Magister, Diplom). The candidate's justification for seeking admission to a second-degree programme is also taken into consideration. These two criteria serve as the basis of a point ranking system.
The following points are awarded with respect to the final grade of the first-degree programme:
- 4 points for "ausgezeichnet" (excellent) and "sehr gut" (very good)
- 3 points for "gut" (good) and "voll befriedigend" (fully satisfactory)
- 2 points for "befriedigend" (satisfactory)
- 1 point for "ausreichend" (sufficient)
The following points are awarded with respect to the candidate's reasons for applying:
- 9 points for "compelling professional reasons"
- 7 – 11 points for "academic reasons"
- 7 points for "special professional reasons"
- 4 points for "other professional reasons"
- 1 point for no professional or academic reasons
The benchmarks used in the evaluation are quite high.
"Compelling professional reasons" are only recognised if a second-degree programme is absolutely necessary for pursuing the desired occupation. "Academic reasons" are recognised if you have completed at least a master's degree programme and have worked in academia in your previous academic career. "Special professional reasons" are recognised if you can provide proof that your desired occupation cannot be performed by a graduate of just one of the two degree programmes. Recognition of "other professional reasons" requires the candidate to provide some evidence demonstrating how a second-degree programme would improve their professional situation after completing the first-degree programme. For more information about each of these applicant groups for second-degree programmes, download the Anlage 1 of the Studienplatzvergabeverordnung NRW [de].
In your application letter, briefly explain your motivation for seeking admission to a second-degree programme with respect to the above mentioned professional or academic reasons – not your personal motives or interests.
Two additional points can be awarded following a family phase. If applicable, please include a copy of your child's birth certificate.
If candidates receive an equal number of points, the admission decision is then determined by whether or not they have completed a period of voluntary service.
If you have any further questions about applying for admission to a second-degree programme, please contact:
Sonja Malkemper
+49 251 83-21395Friederike Jäger
+49 251 83-21458Admission limits in the summer semester 2024 (all data subject to change):
In degree programmes not listed, all applicants received an admission.Degree Programme Index no Service Lottery Betriebswirtschaftslehre BA 4 Yes No Rechtswissenschaft STX 7 No No Volkswirtschaftslehre BA 4 Yes Yes Admission limits in the winter semster 2023/24 (all data subject to change):
In degree programmes not listed, all applicants received an admission.Degree Programme Index no Service Lottery Biologie ZFB 4 No No Biologie BA Berufskolleg 5 No No Ernährungs- und Hauswirtschaftswissenschaft BA BK 4 No Yes Erziehungswissenschaft ZFB 4 No Yes Erziehungswissenschaft BA 4 No No Erziehungswissenschaft BA BK 4 No Yes Geographie ZFB 4 No No Germanistik ZFB 3 No No Hebammenwissenschaft BA 4 No Yes Human Movement in Sports and Exercise BA 4 No Yes Informatik BA 4 No Yes Kommunikationswissenschaft BA 4 No Yes Kommunikationswissenschaft ZFB 4 No Yes LB III, Natur- und Gesellschaftswiss. BA Grundschule 4 No Yes Psychologie BA 5 Yes Yes Wirtschaftslehre/Politik BA BK 4 No Yes Admission limits in the winter semster 2022/23 (all data subject to change):
In degree programmes not listed, all applicants received an admission.Degree Programme Index No Service Lottery Hebammenwissenschaft BA 10 Yes No Informatik BA 4 No Yes Kommunikationswissenschaft ZFB 4 No Yes Landschaftsökologie BA 5 No No Politikwissenschaft ZFB 4 No Yes Psychologie BA 5 No Yes Admission limits in the winter semster 2021/22 (all data subject to change):
In degree programmes not listed, all applicants received an admission.Degree Programme Index No Service Lottery Bildungswissenschaften BA Grundschule 4 No Yes Biologie BA BK 6 Yes No Biologie ZFB 4 No Yes Erziehungswissenschaften BA BK 5 Yes No Erziehungswissenschaften ZFB 4 No Yes Geographie ZFB 4 No Yes Gesundheitswissenschaft/Pflege BA BK 4 Yes Yes Human Movement in Sports and Exercise BA 5 No No Informatik BA 4 No Yes Kommunikationswissenschaft ZFB 5 Yes No Landschaftsökologie BA 4 Yes No LB I, Sprachliche Grundbildung BA Grundschule 4 No Yes LB II, Mathematische Grundbildung BA Grundschule 4 No Yes LB III, Natur- und Gesellschaftswiss. BA Grundschule 4 No Yes Politik und Recht BA 3 No Yes Politikwissenschaft ZFB 4 No Yes Psychologie BA 5 Yes No Sport BA BK 4 No Yes Sport ZFB 4 No Yes Wirtschaftslehre/Politik BA BK 4 No Yes
If you apply via the Stiftung für Hochschulzulassung ( for admission to a second-degree programme for academic reasons (Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy) and designate the University of Münster as your first choice, you can request an assessment from us. Your application must be received by post until the 5th of January for an application for the summer semester and until the 5th of July for an application for the winter semester. The criteria comprise your prior academic career, the seriousness of your wish to gain interdisciplinary academic expertise and the academic significance of your desired interdisciplinary occupation.
In addition to your SfH application form ("Application for Admission to a Second-Degree Programme for Academic Reasons"), please send us the following documents (if available or applicable):- authenticated copy of your first-degree certificate
- informal written statement justifying the need to pursue a second degree for academic reasons
- curriculum vitae (please include copies of certificates confirming relevant activities/work placements)
- confirmation that you have worked as a research associate etc. for several years (e.g. employment contract)
- evidence of the status of your dissertation
- list and abstracts of prior publications
Please send these documents to the following address:
University of Münster
Sonja Malkemper
Schlossplatz 2
48149 MünsterSecond master's degree programme (non-teaching)
- An application for a second-degree programme is only recognised if you hold a degree certificate (master's, Magister, Diplom or state examination) from a German university at the time of application.
If you just have completed an undergraduate (bachelor's) degree programme at a German university, an application for a master's degree programme is not a second degree application. - Up to 3 % of the study places in restricted master's degree programmes are reserved for second-degree applicants.
- If there are more second-degree applicants than available study places in a certain degree programme, applicants are selected based on a point ranking system. Points are awarded based on the applicant's final examination grade of their undergraduate programme (4 points for "sehr gut" (very good), 1 point for "ausreichend" (sufficient)) and on the justification for the second-degree programme. The number of points awarded for this justification varies depending on whether there are compelling professional reasons, academic reasons, special professional reasons, other professional or miscellaneous reasons for applying for an admission to a second-degree programme and whether these are substantiated by the applicant. For more information about the applicant groups and general details about applying for a second-degree programme, please visit: [de]
How do I apply for a second-degree programme?
- You have to apply completely online for the desired master's degree programmes at University of Münster within the application deadline for the 1st semester. All information for a complete application on time can be found here.
- The application for a second-degree programme is an application with a special case. Consequently, in case of a restricted master's degree programme you have to complete the online application and upload all programme-specific documents as well as the documents for the special case application in the info portal on time.
The specialist in the Student Admissions Office at University of Münster for all matters related to master's degree programmes as second-degree programmes is:
Ms. Catrin Diebäcker An application for a second-degree programme is only recognised if you hold a degree certificate (master's, Magister, Diplom or state examination) from a German university at the time of application.