Childcare services
The Child Education Act (Kinderbildungsgesetz (KiBiz)) is one of several laws which provide the legal framework for childcare in Germany. Provisions regarding the expansion of childcare and legal entitlement remain current issues of debate. At present, there are three categories of childcare: for children under three, for children over three and school-age children.
High-quality childcare is essential for ensuring that you can devote your full attention to your job. If you are expecting a child, you should already start thinking about childcare possibilities. In addition to numerous family-oriented services, employees and staff of the University of Münster can choose from several types of childcare depending on their specific needs.
Important Information on (childcare) application procedures
- Parents should register their children at the Kita-Navigator.
- Employees of the University of Münster are invited to send an email to the Family Service Office, if they need advice concerning the childcare programm of the University of Münster.
- The Kita-Navigator is the central application tool from the city of Münster for places in child day-care. Furthermore the Kindertagespflege-Navigator is a tool for in-home childcare (Kindertagespflege).
- Both enable you to find a suitable day-care facility for the needs of your child. All children whose parents are searching for a place are registered here and the respective nurseries or in-home childcarers receive the information about the inquiries. Please note that a registration on this platform is mandatory in order to place your child in day-care! The deadline is 31 January for the coming school year starting in summer.
- If you select the option "Kindertagesstätte" in the Kita-Navigator, you can search either in your area or within a certain distance of your home. Please choose only ONE of those options! This search gives you a list of all nurseries within your search area. You can then click on each of them for more specific details on the kind of day-care they offer. If you would like to be put on the waiting list for a specific institution, please click on “Betreuung auswählen”.
When you have selected all nurseries (up to 12 per child), go to the “Merkliste” (top of the page). You can now review all your chosen options. If you’re happy with your choice, click on “Kind(er) vormerken”. You are now asked for the personal information of the legal guardian(s) of the child. For this, you need the full names, birthdate and birthplace, nationality and confession. The latter can also be left as “no confession”, if you prefer this for privacy reasons. After that, the system asks you for the information of your child. Subsequently you can register siblings.
After entering all details, the system asks you to check the registration before finalising.
- Some Childcare facilities (KiTa's) of Münster ask parents from times to times to fill in a form for employers in order to identify the specific need of child care. In this case contacts from the Personalderzernat (Personnel Department, Dez. 3) provide support.