Meer, Philipp, Brato, Thorsten, and Matute Flores, José A. . “Extending automatic vowel formant extraction to New Englishes: A comparison of different methods.” English World-Wide, № 42 (1): 54–84. doi: 10.1075/eww.00060.mee.
Matute, J, and Linsen, L. . “Hinted Star Coordinates for Mixed Data.” Computer Graphics Forum, № 39 (1) doi: 10.1111/cgf.13666.
Matute, J, Fischer, M, Telea, AC, and Linsen, L. . “Scatterplot Summarization by Constructing Fast and Robust Principal Graphs from Skeletons.” contribution to the PacificVis 2019, Bangkok, Thailand
Matute, J., Telea, A., and Linsen, L. . “Skeleton-Based Scagnostics.” IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, № 24 (1): 542–552. doi: 10.1109/TVCG.2017.2744339.
Matute, J, and Linsen, L. . “Visual Stratification for Epidemiological Analysis.” contribution to the EuroVis 2017 Poster Proceedings, Barcelona, Spain
Ivanovska, T, Herzog, S, Matute, J, Ciet, P, Linsen, L, Duijts, L, Tiddens, H, Völzke, H, Peters, A, and Wörgötter, F. . “Potential of Epidemiological Imaging for Image Analysis and Visualization Applications: A Brief Review.” in In Proceedings of 4th Int.Conf. on Mathematics and Computers in Sciences and Industry (MCSI 2017)
Ristovski, G, Matute, J, Wehrum, T, Harloff, A, Hahn, H, and Linsen, L. . “Uncertainty visualization for interactive assessment of stenotic regions in vascular structures.” Computers & Graphics, № 69: 116–130.
Matute, J, and Linsen, L. . “Visual Analysis of Mixed Numerical and Categorical Data in Cohort Studies.” contribution to the IEEE VIS Poster Proceedings, Baltimore, USA
Ahlers, D, Matute, J, Martinez, I, and Kumar, C. . “Mapping the Web resources of a developing country.” GI Zeitgeist, № 2012