Dabeler, Antje; Elkiær, Emilie Mai; Gerasimova, Maria; de Laat, Tim.“Unitary Lp+-representations of almost automorphism groups.” Comptes Rendus Mathématique 362 (): 245–249. doi: 10.5802/crmath.549.
Gerasimova Maria, Monod Nicolas.“A family of exotic group C*-algebras.” Advances in Mathematics 442 (): 109594. doi: 10.1016/j.aim.2024.109594.
Amir Gideon, Blachar Guy, Gerasimova Maria, Kozma Gady.“Lipschitz harmonic functions on vertex-transitive graphs.” Electronic Communications in Probability 29 (). doi: 10.1214/24-ECP588.
Gerasimova Maria, Shchepin Konstantin.“Virtually free groups are 𝑝-Schatten stable
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Amir Gideon, Baldasso Rangel, Gerasimova Maria, Kozma Gady.“Fire retainment on Cayley graphs.” Discrete Mathematics 346, № 1 (). doi: 10.1016/j.disc.2022.1131.
Gerasimova Maria, Thom Andreas.“On the isometrisability of group representations on p-spaces.” Journal of Operator Theory 86, № 1 (): 51–60. doi: 10.7900/jot.2020jan22.2275.
Gerasimova Maria, Osin Denis.“On invertible elements in reduced C*-algebras of acylindrically hyperbolic groups.” Journal of Functional Analysis 279, № 7 (). doi: 10.1016/j.jfa.2020.108689.
Gerasimova Maria, Gruber Dominik, Monod Nicolas, Thom Andreas.“Asymptotics of Cheeger constants and unitarisability of groups.” Journal of Functional Analysis 278, № 11 (). doi: 10.1016/j.jfa.2019.108457.