Funded projects
In Process
- CRC 1450 - Z01: Interactive and computational analysis of large multiscale imaging data ( – )
Subproject in DFG-Joint Project Hosted at the University of Münster: DFG - Collaborative Research Centre | Project Number: SFB 1450/2, Z01 - Clavicle-ML – Retrospektive CT-Untersuchungen zur Schlüsselbeinossifikation - Entwicklung eines klinischen Entscheidungshilfesystems mit skalenbasierten Bewertungen und modernen Methoden des maschinellen Lernens zur Verbesserung der Gültigkeit und Zuverlässigkeit forensischer Altersbegutachtungen ( – )
Individual Granted Project: DFG - Individual Grants Programme | Project Number: LI 1530/31-1; SCHM 1609/8-1 - VACS 2.0: Visual Analysis for Cohort Studies (Visual Analysis of Time-varying High-dimensional Heterogeneous and Incomplete Data with Application to Population-based Studies) ( – )
Individual Granted Project: DFG - Individual Grants Programme | Project Number: LI 1530/23-3
- CRC 1450 - Z01: Interactive and computational analysis of large multiscale imaging data ( – )
Subproject in DFG-Joint Project Hosted at the University of Münster: DFG - Collaborative Research Centre | Project Number: SFB 1450/1, Z01 - HiRes – HiResHemo: Hemodynamics at High Spatio-temporal Resolution by Comparative Visual Analysis of 4D PC-MRI Data and CFD Simulation Ensembles ( – )
Individual Granted Project: DFG - Individual Grants Programme | Project Number: LI 1530/28-1; HO 5231/3-1 - PVS-VISIX Projekt ( – )
Individual Granted Project: PVS Spektrum Entwicklungs- und Dienstleistungsgesellschaft mbH - Greifbare Interaktion: Benutzerinteraktionskonzepte basierend auf Greifverhalten ( – )
Individual Granted Project: DFG - Individual Grants Programme | Project Number: LI 530/26-1; VA 1393/2-1 - Interactive Visualization and Analysis of Multidimensional Data Using Projections ( – )
Individual Granted Project: DFG - Individual Grants Programme | Project Number: MO 3050/2-1 - Visual Analysis of Multi-run Multi-field Simulation Data ( – )
Individual Granted Project: DFG - Individual Grants Programme | Project Number: LI 1530/21-2 - Uncertainty in Medical Visualization: Modeling, Visual Encoding, and Interactive Analysis ( – )
Individual Granted Project: DFG - Individual Grants Programme | Project Number: LI 1530/19-2 - VACS – VACS; Visual Analysis of Heterogeneous Medical Data from Cohort Studies ( – )
Individual Granted Project: DFG - Individual Grants Programme | Project Number: LI 1530/23-1 - Visual Analysis of Multi-run Multi-field Simulation Data
( – )
Individual Granted Project: DFG - Individual Grants Programme | Project Number: LI 1530/21-1 - Uncertainty in Medical Visualization: Modeling, Visual Encoding, and Interactive Analysis ( – )
Individual Granted Project: DFG - Individual Grants Programme | Project Number: LI 1530/19-1
Former Projects
Third-party funding
- Visual Analysis of Multi-run Multi-field Simulation Data ( - )
Third-party funding: DFG - Individual Grants Programme | Project Number: LI 1530/21-1. - Uncertainty in Medical Visualization: Modeling, Visual Encoding, and Interactive Analysis ( - )
Third-party funding: DFG - Individual Grants Programme | Project Number: LI 1530/19-1. - International workshop on Visualization in Medicine and Life Sciences (VMLS 2013), June 2013, Leipzig, Germany.
Third-party funding: DFG - Workshops & Eurographics. - SmoothViz - Visualization of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Simulation Data ( - ).
Third-party funding: DFG - Individual Grants Programme | Project Number: LI 1530/6-2. - Bilateral Project on Visualization of Multi-field Volume Data (2012).
Third-party funding: DAAD PROBRAL. - Interactive Optimization of Functional Occlusion in Chewing Simulations with Virtual Substrate (2012-2015).
Third-party funding: Sirona Dental Systems GmbH. - Enercloud - Instantaneous Visual Inspection of High-resolution Engineering Construction Scans (2012-2015).
Third-party funding: Eureka Eurostars. - Software licence: PointsInSight 2.0 (2012).
Third-party funding: Enertec Engineering AG. - Software licences: PointsInSight & PointsInSight extension JBP-Unify (2010).
Third-party funding: Enertec Engineering AG. - Bilateral Project on Visualization of Multivariate Volume Data. (2010-2011).
Third-party funding: DAAD PROBRAL. - Equipment: Stereoscopic wall (2010).
Third-party funding: Donation by EADS Bremen. - International workshop on Biomedical Modeling and Visualization, August 2010, Bremen, Germany.
Third-party funding: Heraeus Foundation. - International workshop on Visualization in Medicine and Life Sciences (VMLS 2009), July 2009, Bremerhaven, Germany.
Third-party funding: DFG - Workshops. - VisBench - Immersive Stereo Projection System (2009)
Third-party funding: DFG - Large-scale hardware. - SmoothViz - Visualization of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Simulation Data ( - ).
Third-party funding: DFG - Individual Grants Programme | Project Number: LI 1530/6-1. - KBAMM - Knowledge Based Adaptive Micro Milling (2008 - 2011).
Third-party funding: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie (BMWi) - InnoNet Program. - Earth System Sciences Research School (ESSReS) Graduate School (2008 - 2014).
Third-party funding: Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft. - Marine Geosciences Bremen (MGeoB) - The Ocean in the Earth System (2007 - 2017).
Third-party funding: DFG - Cluster of Excellence (Participation). - MoldFinish - Automatisierte Politur von Formeinsätzen. (2007 - 2010).
Third-party funding: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie (BMWi) - InnoNet Program. - International workshop on Visualization in Medicine and Life Sciences (VMLS 2006), July 2006, Binz, Rügen, Germany.
Third-party funding: DFG - Workshops. - Visualization of City Tree Growth, Benefits, and Costs (2005 - 2006).
Third-party funding: USDA Forest Service, Center for Urban Forest Research, University of California, U.S.A.