© Lasse Weller (Medienlabor IfS)

DC12: Constanze Dammeyer

Personal Background:

Münster, Germany


Study Background:

Bachelor of Science in Cognitive Science (University of Osnabrück), Master of Science in Intelligence & Movement (University of Bielefeld)


Other research experience prior to TReND:

Biomechanic laboratory at the university hospital Basel with focus on classification of pathologic gait patterns using machine learning & IMUs

Social Media/University profiles:

University profile:

  • Kontakt: Constanze Dammeyer - Institut für Sportwissenschaft


Personal research project:

State estimation and dealing with noise and uncertainty



University of Bern, Department of Movement and Exercise Science


Supervisor team:

Prof. Ernst-Joachim Hossner & Dr. Stephan Zahno



I think the translation of theoretical research into clinical practice is an important, though often neglected step and I am happy to be a part of this great interdisciplinary team working on it.