Welcome to the Fachschaft Sport!

We are the student council (Fachschaft Sport) of the University of Münster and represent the interest of the entire student body at the Institut für Sportwissenschaft
Besides our impact on political comittees at the University, we plan multiple events, e.g. IFL®-Party, Freshman-Trip, Get-Togethers, etc.

Opening Hours

mondays - fridays: 10 am - 2 pm
room: Fachschaft Sport, Horstmarer Landweg 62b

wednesdays, 12 pm - 2 pm

Student-Council meeting

every monday – start: 8 pm
room: Fachschaft Sport, Horstmarer Landweg 62b


Email: fssport@uni-muenster.de
Tel: +49 251 83-32292 (only during our opening hours)