The allocation of the questionnaire items to the various dimensions can be found here.
Pictorial Scale of Perceived Physical Self-Concept for Young Children (P-PSC-C)
The Pictorial Scale of Perceived Physical Self-Concept for Young Children (P-PSC-C) is a version of the Physical Self-Description Questionnaire for Children (PSC-C; Dreiskämper et al., 2015) extended by illustrations for an age-based measuring of elementary school children’s physical self-concept. The PSC-C is in turn based on the Physical Self-Description Questionnaire (PSDQ; Marsh et al., 1994), which was developed for assessing adolescents’ and adults’ physical self-concept, and adapted on the elementary school-age. There is a total of seven subscales (endurance, flexibility, strength, coordination, velocity, sport competence, appearance), each consisting of three items. The item verbalizations were taken over from the PSC-C, extended by illustrations, and can be answered on a 4-point-scale: For each item, the children are shown a figure achieving a high score on the item (3 or 4) as well as a figure achieving a low score (1 or 2). After verbally specifying with which figure they can identify more strongly, the children are supposed to further differentiate their score (decision between 1 and 2 or 3 and 4, depending on chosen figure). The illustrated figures are adapted on the children’s sex. This questionnaire is available in german and english.
Tietjens, M., Dreiskämper, D., Utesch, T., Schott, N., Barnett u. a. (2018). Pictorial scale of physical Self-Concept for younger children (P-PSC-C): a Feasibility Study. Journal of Motor Larning and Development, 6, 391-402. doi: 10.1123/jmld.2016-0088.
Estevan, I., Utesch, T., Dreiskämper, D., Tietjens, M., Barnett u. a. (2019). Validity and Reliability of a Pictorial Scale of Physical Self-Concept in Spanish Children. International Journal of Sport Sciences, 55(15), 102-118.
Tietjens, M., Barnett, L. M., Dreiskämper, D., Holfelder u. a. (2020). Conceptualising and testing the relationship between actual and perceived motor performance: A cross-cultural comparison in children from Australia and Germany. Journal of Sports Sciences, tba.
French and Portuguese in progress.
Download: for measuring the physical self-concept in childhood (PSK-K)
The questionnaire for measuring the physical self-concept in childhood (PSK-K) is based on the Physical Self-Description Questionnaire (PSDQ; Marsh et al., 1994) and adapted on the elementary school-age. There is a total of seven subscales (endurance, flexibility, strength, coordination, velocity, sport competence, appearance), each consisting of three items. This instrument is validated for middle to later childhood (8-12 years) and is available in german.
Dreiskämper, D., Tietjens, M., Honemann, S., Naul, R., Freund u. a. (2015). PSK-Kinder - Ein Fragebogen zur Erfassung des physischen Selbstkonzepts von Kindern im Grundschulalter. Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie, 2015(3), 97-111.
English in progress.
Download:Perceived-Motor-Competence Questionnaire for Children (PMC-C)
The Perceived-Motor-Competence Questionnaire for Children (PMC-C) assesses children’s self-perceptions of fundamental movement skills by the following scales: locomotion (subscales: running, hopping, standing broad jump, leaping) and object-control (subscales: kicking, bouncing, overhand throw, catching). The instrument consists of 24 items, being answered on a pictorial scale. It was developed in order to examine the skill-oriented physical self-concept in the middle and later childhood. The questionnaire is available in german.
Dreiskaemper, D., Utesch, T., Tietjens, M. (2018). The Perceived Motor Competence Questionnaire in Childhood (PMC-C). Journal of Motor Learning and Development, 6, 264-280. doi: 10.1123/jmld.2016-0080.French:
Maïano, C., Morin, A. J. S., April, J., Tietjens, M., St-Jean, C., Gagnon, C., Dreiskämper, D., & Aimé, A. (Accepted, 8 February 2021). Psychometric Properties of a French Version of the Perceived Motor Competence in Childhood (PMC-C) Questionnaire. Perceptual and Motor Skills. [ISI 2019: 1.245]
Download: Short Physical Self Inventory (PSI-S-R)
The PSI-S was originally created in French as an adaptation of Fox and Corbin’s (1989) Physical Self-Perception Profile. This questionnaire included a total of 18 items (3 per dimension) encompassing youth’s global self-worth (GSW), physical self-worth (PSW), physical attractiveness (PA), physical condition (PC), physical strength (PS), and sport competence (SC). The questionnaire is validated in German for the age group 10 - 14 years.
Maïano, C., Morin, A J.S., Tietjens, M., Bastos, T., Luiggi, M., Corredeira, R., Griffet, J., & Sánchez-Oliva, D. (accepted 22. January 2022). German, Portuguese and Spanish versions of the revised short form of the Physical Self-Inventory (PSI-S-R). Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science [ISI 2020: 2.304]Questionnaire german: as PDF