Dr. Sebastian Brückner

Dr. Sebastian Brückner

Horstmarer Landweg 62B, room VG 213
48149 Münster

T: +49 251 83-34854

Consultation Hours

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  • Research Areas

    • Applied Sport Psychology Praxis
    • Mindfulness and Commitment Approaches in Elite Sport
    • Self-Regulation-Diagnostics and -Interventions
    • Sport Psychological Factors in Badminton
    • Doping, Anti-Doping, and Doping Prevention
  • CV


    University of Tennessee, Knoxville: Ph.D., Education, specialization in Sport Psychology
    Saarland University: Diploma, Sport Science


    Lecturer Department of Sport Psychology, Muenster University
    Honorary Research Fellow, Kingston University London
    Adjunct Faculty, Institute of Sport Science, Saarland University
    Career Counselor, Saabruecken Olympic Training Center
    Research Associate Institute for Sport and Sport Science, Heidelberg University
    Research Associate Department of Exercise, Sport and Leisure Studies, University of Tennessee
    Research Assistant Department of Movement- and Training Science, Saarland University
  • Projects

  • Publications

    • Quartiroli A, Harris BS, Brueckner S, Chow GM, Connole IJ, Cropley B, Fogaça J, Gonzalez SP, Guicciardi M, Hau A, Kao S, Kavanagh EJ, Keegan RJ, Li HY, Martin G, Moyle GM, Noce F, Peterson K, Roy J, Rubio VJ, Wagstaff CRD, Wong R, Yousuf S & Zito M. (). The International Society of Sport Psychology Registry (ISSP-R) ethical code for sport psychology practice. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 18. doi: 10.1080/1612197X.2020.1789317.

    • Brückner S, Raue C & Querfurth S. (). Wenn virtuelle Online-Welten reale Auswirkungen haben: Umgang mit Cyber-Mobbing im Sport. In 50. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Sportpsychologie, Köln.
    accepted / in Press (not yet published)
    • Raue, C, Querfurth, S, Brückner, S, & Zito, M. (). How to effectively intervene with cyber-bullying in youth team sports. In AASP 33nd Annual Conference, Toronto, Kanada.

    Conference Contributions
    Research Articles in Edited Proceedings (Conferences)
    • Brueckner S & Cote T. (). Implementing Mindfulness Meditation Training for Sport 2.0 in a multi-national setting: Athletes’ experiences and cross-cultural perspectives. In Annual meeting of the Association for Applied Sport Psychology, Orlando, FL, USA.
    • Brueckner S. (). A holistic scientist-practitioner approach to developing performance excellence: Signature interventions fostering emotional self-regulation. In Annual meeting of the Association for Applied Sport Psychology, Orlando, FL, USA.
    Abstracts in Digital Collections (Conferences)
    • Kolb, Meike, Dreiskämper Dennis, Petróczi Andrea, Holzgreve Pia, Brückner Sebastian, Strauss Bernd. (). Legitimacy of anti-doping policies – athletes as researchers. In NASPSPA 50 Anniversary, San Diego.
    Research Article (Book Contributions)
    • Petróczi A, Norman P, & Brueckner S. (). Can we better integrate the role of anti-doping in sports and society? A psychological approach to contemporary values-based prevention. In Rabin O, Pitsiladis Y (Eds.), Acute Topics in Anti-Doping. (pp. 160–176). Basel: Karger. doi: 10.1159/000460726.

    • Wright DL, Rhee J, Blischke K, Erlacher D & Brueckner, S. (). Offline improvement occurs for temporal stability but not accuracy following practice of integer and non-integer rhythms. Acta Psychologica, 140, 266–273. doi: 10.1016/j.actpsy.2012.05.010.

    • Blischke K, Zehren B, Utter T & Brueckner S. (). Doppeltätigkeits-Übung zeitstrukturierter Fingerbewegungsfolgen. Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie, 18, 18–30. doi: 10.1026/1612-5010/a000033.

    Research Articles (Journals)
    • Blischke K, Wagner F, Zehren B & Brueckner S. (). Dual-task practice of temporally structured movement sequences augments integrated task processing, but not automatization. Journal of Human Kinetics, 25, 5–15. doi: 10.2478/v10078-010-0026-1.
    Abstracts in Digital Collections (Conferences)
    • Blischke K, Zehren B, Wagner F, Utter T & Brueckner S. (). Is movement automatization by dual-task practice restricted to non-sequential tasks? In Annual meeting of the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity, Tuscon.

    • Fairbrother JT, Brueckner S & Barros, JAC. (). The effects of switching between targets on a simple motor skill. Human Movement Science, 28, 1–11. doi: 10.1016/j.humov.2008.05.001.

    • Fairbrother JT & Brueckner S. (). Task switching effects in anticipation timing. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 79, 116–121.
    • Blischke K, Erlacher D, Kresin H, Brueckner S & Malangré A. (). Benefits of Sleep in Motor Learning – Prospects and Limitations. Journal of Human Kinetics, 20, 23–36. doi: 10.2478/v10078-008-0015-9.

    • Black CB, Wright DL, Magnuson CE & Brueckner S. (). Learning to detect error in movement timing using physical and observational practice. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 76, 28–41.

    • Wright DL, Black CB, Immink MA, Brueckner S & Magnuson CE. (). Long-term motor programming improvements occur via concatenation of movement sequences during random but not during blocked practice. Journal of Motor Behavior, 36.