Research Foci
- Programmierung eines menschlichen Ganzkörper-Muskel-Skelett-Modells "Myonardo"
- Schmerz und motorische Kontrolle
Academic Education
- Aktive Teilnahme an Seminaren der philosophischen Fakultät der WWU Münster; Schwerpunkt Wissenschaftstheorie
- Promotion in Physik an der Universität Potsdam (Dr. rer. nat.); Forschungsthema: "Lossless Quantum Data Compression and Secure Direct Communication"; Prädikat "magna cum laude"
- Diplom in Physik an der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg. Forschungsthema: "Zerfall und Irreversibilität - Die verallgemeinerte Quantenmechanik der Brüsseler Schule"; Gesamtnote: gut
- Studium der Physik an der RWTH Aachen, der Université de Paris XI, und der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
- Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (Postdoc) für Neurowissenschaften an der WWU Münster, gefördert durch das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF): "Chronic back pain and sensory-motor control: towards a model based diagnostic toolbox"
- Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (Postdoc) für Neurowissenschaften an der WWU Münster, gefördert durch die Volkswagen-Stiftung. Titel des Projekts: "Reliability of the processing of visual motion information in the human brain"
- Ingenieur/Betreuer an der Universität Potsdam, Physikalisches Praktikum
- Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Universität Potsdam, Lehrstuhl für Quantenoptik; Forschungsthema: "Quantenkommunikation und Quantenkryptografie"
- Selbstständiger Web-Designer: Gestaltung der Internetpräsenzen von Firmen, Schauspielern und Musikern; Mitherausgeber der Online-Zeitschrift "Virtuelles Magazin 2000"
- Datenbank-Programmierer und Web-Designer für die Firma KSR Net Technics, Freiburg
- Chronic back pain – Chronic back pain and sensory-motor control: towards a model based diagnostic toolbox ( – )
participations in bmbf-joint project: Federal Ministry of Education and Research | Project Number: 01EC1003A - Interdisziplinäre internationale Tagung zum Thema "Ist der Geist im Kopf? Die These des erweiterten Geistes in Philosophie und Wissenschaft" ( – )
Own Resources Project
- Chronic back pain – Chronic back pain and sensory-motor control: towards a model based diagnostic toolbox ( – )
- Wagner, H, Schmitz, O, and Boström, KJ. . “The virtual pivot point concept improves predictions of ground reaction forces.” Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, № 12: 1286644–1286644. doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2024.1286644.
- Kloock, Lena, Arensmann, Andrea, De Graaf, Myriam, Gerlach, Meike, Boström, Kim, and Wagner, Heiko. . “Joint contact forces during barefoot, minimal and conventional shod running are highly individual.” medRxiv doi: 10.1101/2024.11.27.24318053.
- Christ, Tabea; Boström, Kim Joris; Ohrmann, Patricia; Britz, Henrike; Wagner, Heiko; Bohn, Christiane. . “The effects of a four-month skateboarding intervention on motor, cognitive, and symptom levels in children with ADHD.” Frontiers in Pediatrics doi: .
- Natrup Jens, de Lussanet de la Sablonière Marc H. E., and Boström Kim Joris, Wagner Heiko. . “Angular velocity around the longitudinal axis in combination with head movements of springboard divers during twisted somersaults.” Sports Biomechanics, № - doi: 10.1080/14763141.2022.2032297.
- Hagenfeld Lena, de Lussanet de la Sablonière Marc H E, and Boström Kim J, Wagner Heiko. . “Planning catching movements: advantages of expertise, visibility and self-throwing.” Journal of Motor Behavior, № 2022: 1–10. doi: 10.1080/00222895.2021.2022591.
- Wagner, Heiko; Boström, Kim Joris; de Lussanet, Marc HE; de Graaf, Myriam Lauren; Puta, Christian; Mochizuki, Luis. . “Optimization reduces knee-joint forces during walking and squatting: Validating the inverse dynamics approach for full body movements on instrumented knee prostheses.” Motor Control, № 27 (2): 161–178. doi: 10.1123/mc.2021-0110.
- Jens, Natrup, H.E., de Lussanet de la Sablonière Marc, Joris, Boström Kim, Markus, Lappe, and Heiko, Wagner. . “Gaze, head and eye movements during somersaults with full twists.” Human Movement Science, № 75 doi: 10.1016/j.humov.2020.102740.
- Natrup Jens, Bramme Jana, de Lussanet de la Sablonière Marc H.E., Boström Kim Joris, and Lappe Markus, Wagner Heiko. . “Gaze behavior of trampoline gymnasts during a back tuck somersault.” Human Movement Science, № 70 doi: 10.1016/j.humov.2020.102589.
- Mühlbeier Andreas, Boström Kim Joris, de Lussanet de la Sablonière Marc H. E., Kalthoff Wolfram, Kraaijenbrink Cassandra, Hagenfeld Lena Natrup Jens, and Castro William H. M., Wagner Heiko. Forthcoming. “The influence of body side and sex on neck muscle responses to left-frontal-oblique impacts.” BioRxiv, № 2020 doi: 10.1101/2020.12.04.406421.
- Andreas, Mühlbeier, Joris, Boström Kim, Wolfram, Kalthoff, Sablonière, de Lussanet de la, E, Marc H, Cassandra, Kraaijenbrink, Lena, Hagenfeld, William, Castro, and Heiko, Wagner. . “Neck muscle responses of driver and front seat passenger during frontal-oblique collisions.” PloS one, № 13 (12): 1–20. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0209753.
- Boström, Kim Joris, Dirksen, Tim, Zentgraf, Karen, and Wagner, Heiko. . “The Contribution of Upper Body Movements to Dynamic Balance Regulation during Challenged Locomotion.” Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, № 12 (January): 1–10. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2018.00008.
- Boström, Kim J., and Krohs, Ulrich. . “Raum und Zeit.” in Naturphilosophie. Ein Lehr- und Studienbuch, edited by Karafyllis C. Kirchhoff Thomas. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck Verlag.
- Mühlbeier Andreas, Puta Christian, and Boström Kim Joris, Wagner Heiko. . “Monosynaptic Stretch Reflex Fails to Explain the Initial Postural Response to Sudden Lateral Perturbations.” Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, № 11 (296): 1–10. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2017.00296.
- Michel, Jan G., Boström, Kim J., and Pohl, Michael, eds. . Ist der Geist im Kopf? Beiträge zur These des erweiterten Geistes, Paderborn: mentis Verlag.
- Boström, Kim Joris, Leonhard, Gordon, and Steinmetz, Lisa. . “Playing Pong with the Mind? Pettit's Program Model and Mental Causation.” in Philip Pettit: Five Themes from his Work, edited by S Derpmann and D Schweikard. Düsseldorf: Springer VDI Verlag. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-26103-4.
- Boström, Kim Joris. . “Otto, sein Notizbuch, sein Buch und seine Brille: Zum Verhältnis von Kopplung und Konstitution.” in Ist der Geist im Kopf? Beiträge zur These des erweiterten Geistes, edited by JG Michel, KJ Boström and M Pohl. Paderborn: mentis Verlag.
- Michel, Jan G., Boström, Kim J., and Pohl, Michael. . “Warum sollte der Geist nicht im Kopf sein? Eine Einführung.” in Ist der Geist im Kopf? Beiträge zur These des erweiterten Geistes, edited by Jan G. Michel, Kim J. Boström and Michael Pohl. Paderborn: mentis Verlag.
- de Lussanet, de la Sablonière M HE, and Boström, KJ. . “Novel explanation for the scaling of volume and surface of the mammalian cerebrum.” PeerJ PrePrints, № 3: e1518. doi: 10.7287/peerj.preprints.239v2.
- Lükens, J, Boström, KJ, Puta, C, Schulte, TL, and Wagner, H. . “Using ultrasound to assess the thickness of the transversus abdominis in a sling exercise.” BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, № 16 (203) doi: 10.1186/s12891-015-0674-3.
- Boström, KJ, de Lussanet, de la Sablonière M HE, Weiss, T, Puta, C, and Wagner, H. . “A computational model unifies apparently contradictory findings concerning phantom pain.” Scientific Reports, № 4 doi: 10.1038/srep05298.
- Boström, Kim Joris, Wagner, Heiko, Prieske, Markus, and E, de Lussanet de la Sablonière Marc H. . “Model for a flexible motor memory based on a self-active recurrent neural network.” Human Movement Science, № 32 (5): 880–898. doi: 10.1016/j.humov.2013.07.003.
- Boström, Kim Joris, Wagner, Heiko, Prieske, Markus, and Marc, de Lussanet de la Sablonière. . “Liquid Motion: Eine Netzwerk-basierte Theorie für das Erlernen und Verallgemeinern flüssiger Bewegungen durch Wiederholung.” contribution to the 9. gemeinsames Symposium der dvs-Sektionen Biomechanik, Sportmotorik und Traingswissenschaft, Münster
- Heiko, Wagner, Joris, Boström Kim, and Bastian, Rinke. . “Predicting isometric force from muscular activation using a physiologically inspired model.” Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, № 10: 955–961.
- Boström, Kim Joris, and Wagner, Heiko. . “Online Generation, Recognition, Storage and Retrieval of Dynamic Patterns using Self-active Recurrent Neural Networks.” contribution to the Interdisciplinary College 2011, Günne (Möhnesee)
- Boström, Kim Joris, and Warzecha, Anne-Kathrin. . “Open-loop speed discrimination performance of ocular following response and perception.” Vision Research, № 50 (9): 870–882. doi: 10.1016/j.visres.2010.02.010.
- Boström, Kim Joris, and Warzecha, Anne-Kathrin. . “Ocular following response to sampled motion.” Vision Research, № 49 (13): 1693–1701. doi: 10.1016/j.visres.2009.04.006.
- Boström, Kim Joris, and Felbinger, Timo. . “On the security of the ping-pong protocol.” Physics Letters A, № 372 (22): 3953–3956. doi: 10.1016/j.physleta.2008.03.048.
- Boström, Kim Joris. . Lossless Quantum Data Compression and Secure Direct Communication- New concepts and methods for quantum information theory, Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller.
- Holger, Hoffmann, Joris, Boström Kim, and Timo, Felbinger. . “Comment on "Secure direct communication with a quantum one-time pad".” Physical Review A, № 72 (1): 016301. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.72.016301.
- Boström, Kim Joris, and Felbinger, Timo. . “Lossless quantum data compression and variable-length coding.” Physical Review A, № 65 (3): 032313. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.65.032313.
- Boström, Kim Joris, and Felbinger, Timo. . “Deterministic Secure Direct Communication Using Entanglement.” Phys Rev Lett, № 89 (18): 187902. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.89.187902.
Supervised Doctoral Studies
Mühlbeier, Andreas Reflexkontrolle der menschlichen Haltung: Analyse der lumbalen und zervikalen Muskelreflexaktivität bei externen Störungen Lükens, Jörn Diagnosis and treatment of chronic low back pain Wulf, Arne Die Dynamik des spinalen motorischen Systems: Spinale Oszillatoren als Basis der Bewegungskoordination