Curriculum analysis on ‘Study programmes sport / movement + ageing / gerontology in the EU’

Coursework credits for Bachelor and Master students
© Anna Shvets

Background and aim

We would like to know which study programmes related to sport/exercise+ageing/gerontology exist and where there is a gap that needs to be filled. We are looking for motivated students with the skills to conduct the study programme analysis.

Your assignment

Familiarise yourself with databases that can be used for the searching. We established an EU network that can be used as a starting point to find those databases and useful links.

Possible Modules

  • B.Sc. Human Movement in Sports and Exercise M13 Scientific Internship
  • B.Sc. Human Movement in Sports and Exercise M15 Bachelor Thesis
  • M. Sc. Sports, Exercise and Human Perfomance M06 Current research project
  • B.A. Physical Education Bachelor Thesis
  • M. Ed. Physical Education Project Seminar


Ellen Bentlage