Foot and ankle muscle activity during balance tasks

Coursework credits for Bachelor and Master students

We are looking for a bachelor/master students with an interest in studying foot muscle active during balance tasks. Experience with Matlab is beneficial.

Background and aim

The role of foot muscles in balancing tasks has been pointed out. However, it is not understood how the foot muscle activities relate to foot segment motion and segment coupling.

Your assignment

Your assignment is first, to familiarize yourself with assessment of EMG parameters. Second, you will relate the foot muscle activity to foot and ankle segment motion during various balance tasks.
As a next step, the aim is to study the relationship between muscle activity and foot and ankle segment coupling.

Possible Projects

BSc Research project or thesis; MSc Research project, thesis or work experience

What else do you need to know?

You will be working at the department of Movement Science located at Horstmarer Landweg 50 in Münster.


Rosemary Dubbledam

Lena Fennen