© Lennart Böwering

Marie-Sophie Beaumont

Sports/ Squad

Ballroom Dancing (squad fo NRW)


University of Münster since WS 2014/15


Faculty 09: German as a Foreign Language; Master of Arts in Romance Studies Trilingual; Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics

Athletic success

2nd Place "NRW Comp" in Recklinghausen Hgr. A Standard 
2nd Place "14. Bochumer HGRn Meeting" Hgr. A Standard
25th Place "50. Tanzkarussell um das blaue Band der Spree" in Berlin Hgr. A Standard
16th-17th Place "DanceComp" in Wuppertal Hgr. A Standard,
39th Place "DanceComp" in Wuppertal WDSF Raising Stars
9th Place at Landesmeisterschaft in Aachen Hgr. A Standard

50th-51st place at the international WDSF competition "Rising Stars" at the DanceComp in Wuppertal Hgr. A Standard
Overall victory of NRW's cup series 2023 Hgr A Std
1st place NRW cup in Lippstadt Hgr A Standard
2nd place NRW cup in Lippstadt Hgr A Standard
21st-22nd/20th place "Blaues Band an der Spree" in Berlin Hgr A Standard
2nd place "Frühlingspokal" in Bad Lippspringe Hgr A Standard
1st place "Zwarte Warte Trofee" in Zwolle Hgr A Standard
2x2nd place NRW cup at TTC Oberhausen Hgr A Standard
6th place „OWL tanzt“ in Bielefeld Hgr. A Standard

Invitation to be a member of the dance squad of the state North Rhine-Westphalia
6th place „OWL tanzt“ in Bielefeld STD A Adult
Promotion to STD A Adult
1st place „OWL tanzt“ in Bielefeld STD B Adult
1st place Hauptgruppentag in Essen STD B Adult
3rd place Bonner Sommerpokal STD B Adult
5th place „Hessen tanzt“ STD B Adult
3rd place NRW-Pokal-Serie STD B Adult
2x 3rd place NRW-Pokal Aachen STD B Adult
7th place 48th Tanzkarussell um das Blaue Band der Spree Berlin
1st place Hauptgruppen-Meeting in Bochum STD B Adult
1st place Tanzpokal Kongresshaus Bad Lippspringe STD B Adult
3rd place Hauptgruppentag in Münster STD B Adult

Vice regional champion NRW STD B Adult


Free access to the sport facilities of the University
Postponement of examination dates e.g. because of training camps or competitions

Marie- Sohpie writes...

Since my parents and my brother are also competitive dancers, I grew up with the dance sport. I was very happy when we got the invitation to be a member of the dance squad of North Rhine-Westphalia because that was a dream coming true. I’ve waited many years for a compatible dance partner and I’m glad that I could start to dance with Lukas Klönne in 2020. The beginning of our dance partnership wasn’t easy due to the corona pandemic; therefore, I very much appreciate the support we receive now. I think that ballroom dancing is the perfect combination of music, sports, art, and the connection to another human being.

