SAIL Mobility Fund

The University of Münster provides funding for its doctoral researchers and postdocs up to three years after their doctorate, who have no or hardly any funding opportunities for stays abroad. With these funds the subsidisation for international research visits like

  • Laboratory and/or research visits
  • Active participation in conferences
  • Active participation in summer schools

outside Germany can be realised.

The aim is to enable active stays abroad and thus to build up and expand one's own network as well as to expand specialist knowledge and intercultural competence in the research landscape. Further information can be found in the SAIL Mobility Fund Guidelines.

Financial framework conditions

The funding consists of a travel allowance of up to 1,000 Euros.

Travel and flight costs, accommodation costs and conference fees, for example, are eligible for funding. Travelling expenses are reimbursed in accordance with the State Travel Expenses Act NRW (Landesreisekostengesetz LRKG NRW).
(Foreign) Daily allowance is not eligible for funding.

You will receive more detailed information on reimbursement once your application has been approved.

Further information can be found in the SAIL Mobility Fund Guidelines and the intranet.

Application documents

  • Application form with personal details,
  • Confirmation of acceptance of the active contribution (lecture, poster presentation, chair, moderation etc.) to the conference, summer school, or confirmation of acceptance from the host research institution for the duration of the research stay,
  • For doctoral candidates: Copy of the confirmation of supervision from the doctoral supervisor at the University of Münster, or
  • For postdocs: declaration from the managing director of the institute confirming the postdoc's employment/affiliation with the institute at the University of Münster.


Applications must be submitted at least four weeks before the start of the trip.

Please contact us early for funding advice.

Complete applications will be reviewed and decided upon according to the SAIL Mobility Fund guidelines.

The date of submission of your complete application documents via is decisive.

Please note

The SAIL Mobility Fund is currently not open to the Faculty of Medicine (FB 05).

Co-funding by the Santander-Mobility Fund for the same research visit is not possible.

Absences (e.g. due to childcare/parental leave or parental leave) are recognised. Please contact us for further advice.

This is a temporary measure within the University of Münster's internationalisation strategy.

SAIL Mobility Fund Alumni

Meet some of our SAIL Mobility Fund alumni and have a look at their international research visits an projects.

Andrea Arensmann auf dem "29. Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics" (ESB) in Edinburgh, Schottland. © Andrea Arensmann.
Andrea Arensmann auf dem "29. Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics" (ESB) in Edinburgh, Schottland. © Andrea Arensmann.
© Andrea Arensmann

"Durch das SAIL-Förderprogramm hatte ich die Möglichkeit, am '29. Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics' (ESB) vom 30.06.-03.07.2024 in Edinburgh, Schottland, teilzunehmen. Durch eine enorme Auswahl an Fachvorträgen war es mir möglich, mich sowohl in meinem Forschungsgebiet als auch in Gebieten mit anderen Schwerpunkten fortzubilden. Zudem durfte ich einen Teil meiner Promotionsarbeit in Form eines Posters vorstellen und mit Experten aus der Biomechanik über Grenzen und Möglichkeiten meines Bereichs diskutieren. Der Austausch hat mir auch im Nachhinein in der weiteren Ausrichtung meiner Forschung sehr weitergeholfen. Neben der fachlichen Komponente konnte ich zudem neue Leute kennenlernen und habe bereits Bekannte wiedergetroffen."

Andrea Arensmann, Doktorandin, FB 07: Sportwissenschaft

More Internationalisation

You want to shape your international research profile? The SAIL Programme provides researchers with specific tools and strategies that can support them in selecting and applying for suitable measures from the early career phase onwards.